Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lessons from the Snowflakes...

I love the snow.  And, I don't mean a little bit.  I completely love snow.  I beg my husband often to move me further north.  I just love it.

So, as I sat by the window sipping coffee watching the first of the snowflakes fall, the tiny noncommittal type, I felt myself get anxious.  I know the feeling well because I feel it often in my daily life.  When I am given something I enjoy, I tend to think about it, analyze it, worry that it will leave, instead of just sitting back and enjoying it!  As I watched those baby snowflakes flutter and fall, I heard His voice strong and steady, nearly audible say, "Just rest.  Enjoy.  I will give you what you need.  You have no control over this.  You cannot will the snow to fall.  Just rest and let me bring what I choose.  If it is a lot or if it is not much, just rest and trust me. Don't look at the radar anymore.  Just let me bring it and you enjoy it."  I felt myself relax.

And, you know what??  The snowflakes came in droves.  It snowed hard for hours on end.  And, I loved every minute of it.  I thanked him every third minute or so.  I was so full, overflowing.  We played hard.  So much fun.

It was still snowing when we tucked the children in their warm beds after hot soup and warm baths.  My house was littered with wet socks and coats and boots, and I was loving it!  I began to feel the tension return.  "It will all be gone by noon tomorrow.... You know how you hate to hear the drip, drip, drip of melting snow off the roof.... You'll have a day full of it tomorrow.... Everything will go from magical to dreary in a matter of hours..."  

But, again I heard Him, "Just rest. This was a gift.  Don't hold so tightly. You can't will the snow to stay.  Let it go.  Rest in Me, and just let it go.  Find the joy in tomorrow, in the midst of the melting.  Just rest."

Life is so full of ups and downs.  Happies and disappointments.  Great news and tragic news.  The challenge is learning to rest whether he hands you a cup you are eager to drink or a cup you don't wish to drink of.  Either way, resting in Him we can find the peace to steady our rocking.

My photo
Hi! I live in a sweet country home overflowing with love and laughter. I have been blessed to journey these days beside a man that I love, respect, and admire. He is my soul-mate and best friend. Together we are seeking to raise our seven children to be lovers of God, to be wise and discerning, and to be all that our sweet God created them to be.


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