Sixteen years ago today, I was excited to marry this handsome basketball player of a gentleman who I believed would take care of me, whose character I trusted. But, what I didn't know was how he would daily live as Christ, selfless and sacrificial.... how I would look across the table from him on our one year anniversary and with tears in my eyes, tell him that I had learned more of Christ's love in one year of being married to him than I had in all the years before. And, now years later, grey hairs slowly emerging, laugh lines deepening, seven little loves surrounding us, my heart says it with even more depth and passion... Thank you for pointing me to my Savior each and every day for the last 16 years. I am not the same because of your love and example. I thank my God for you.
It's not about us.
It's never been about us.
It was never meant to be about us.
Marriage was always meant to point us to Christ and His love and devotion to the church. You have so faithfully displayed this. I love you, and I am so grateful.