Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy 6 months, little darling!
Whiskers. . .
I am talking about the ones on the chin of my two year old son.
It was a day like any other day, except for the fact that it was the anniversary of the day my mother gave birth to her youngest daughter, and that would be me.
Remember those lovely benches that I bought for our kitchen table? Love them. But, when your children tend to act like monkeys, they are an accident waiting to happen.
Monkey child + backless bench + concrete floors = a trip to Daddy's office and 3 stitches
JCT and Joshua were playing at the kitchen table, and I was completely engrossed in a conversation with my mom who was in town for a visit when it happened. We heard a boom, looked up, and saw JCT laying face down on the floor. I picked him up, and he cried a bit. I looked in his mouth, no blood. I held him for a few minutes trying to calm him down. Then, I noticed that there was blood on his sweater. So, I looked under his chin and found an open wound.
Long story short. . . We were at Erik's office a few minutes later. Halfway to his office, I realized that I had forgotten to grab the camera. So, with JCT bleeding in the backseat, I turned the car around and went back home to get my beloved camera. Finally, we got to Erik's office. He took one look at JCT's chin and said he needed stitches. Kim, Erik's nurse, gave me gauze pads soaked in Lidocaine to hold under his chin until Erik finished seeing his morning patients.
And, so you ask. . . Was the doctor's son a good patient?
That would be a. . .
Bless his little heart he was scared and mad, and he kicked and screamed and cried. How in the world Erik stitched him up is beyond me. The child refused to hold still even with a crew of people trying to hold him down and talk to him. Erik was amazing to watch, his hand was steady, he appeared perfectly calm. Other than the fact that sweat was dripping, pouring actually, off his forehead, I would have thought the whole thing a walk in the park for him. He just stuck that fatty tissue back inside JCT's chin and sewed my sweet baby up!
Needless to say, JCT was asleep before we got out of the parking lot. He completely wore himself out fighting off Erik, Kim, Sean (Erik's partner), Julie (works at the front desk), Lisa (works in the lab), and me. But, I must say, he looked pretty cute in the rearview mirror -asleep with his little bandaged chin.
And, after JCT woke up from his nap, Joshua admired his bandage saying it looked like a pirate's beard. Aren't big brothers wonderful!
I'm not sure what was more upsetting to me - the fact that my two year old had to be held down by 6 people and given stitches or the fact that I don't have a single picture of the incident.
Why, you ask, do I not have a single picture since I turned the car around to get my camera? Because, I tell you, a digital camera is a wonderful thing, but it will not work without a CF card - you know, present inside the camera. I took wonderful pictures of Erik leaning over JCT's gaping wound, and of JCT sleeping soundly in his carseat after the exhausting endeavor. But, they are recorded only in my memory. And, yes, my camera does alert the user to the fact that the CF card is missing. "No CF" blinks on the screen if I remember correctly. Unfortunately, I was a bit preoccupied, therefore I didn't notice until it was like 5 hours too late.
This picture was taken later that night after I realized that I had neglected to notice the missing CF card. Just call him "Captain Bandage Beard."
This is the T-shirt that he wore while getting stitches. I still haven't washed it.
I'm sure this is the first of many trips we will take to Daddy's office, and I don't mean to visit Daddy. I mean trips to Daddy's office for stitches, x-rays, etc. I've got a hunch that most of these trips will involve JCT. . .
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
His rest time
Monday, October 22, 2007
My Confession
A few hours later he asked for it.
I attempted distracting him.
I told him he couldn't have sweets until after dinner hoping that he'd forget.
He didn't.
Joshua: Mommy, can I please have my candy from church?
Me: Baby, I have to tell you something.
I took his face in my hands and made him look me in the eyes.
Me: I ate it.
He looked at me confused as if it didn't quite compute.
Joshua: You ate my candy?
Me: Yes. I ate it.
Joshua throws his head back and cries out the cry of an injured animal.
Then, after a minute he straightens up looks me in the eyes and says: Your kidding right?
Me: No, baby, I'm not kidding. Mommy ate your candy.
Joshua: All of it?
Me: Yes, all of it. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?
Joshua looked at me with eyes full of hurt. It was, after all, his first betrayal of this kind: Yes, I forgive you. But, don't do it again. Next time we go to church you remember and don't do it again.
I assured him that I wouldn't.
I just pray that I am strong enough to keep my word.
Because I really like candy.
My Birthday Week
Let me say that the website doesn't do this calendar justice. It is much bigger and better than I expected. It even includes pages in the back for planning parties and vacations, blank pages for notes, lists of fun websites, etc. I use the top half of the week-at-a-glance pages to see what my day looks like. I don't put my list of things to accomplish here. I simply put appointments, so that I can see a skeleton of our day and our week. Then, I use the bottom half of the pages, not for my children's various activities as they suggest, but rather I use it to list calls to be made, errands to run, and my at home to-do list. In the front of the calendar, there is a month-at-a-glance section that I am using to plan our meals in pencil.
I love my new calendar - can you tell? I feel so spoiled. I have so much more space to make my daily to-do lists on. And, I can now make my lists vertically instead of in a small rectangle like I used to! I sat in the pick-up line at Joshua's preschool today and marveled over all the fun details of this new little love of mine!
And, tucked in one of the side pockets of my little happy is the sweet note that accompanied my gift. It says, "Erin, I love you! You keep our home well organized and going strong. You are our magic." This note is super special to me for one reason - Erik used the word "magic." Magic is the nickname Erik gave me when we were dating. He doesn't call me Magic very often anymore. Every once in a while though, he slips it in to remind me that "the magic" of "us" is still very much present - even though in the everyday-ness of life, it may not always feel that way. I love my husband. There isn't another human that moves me like he does. I still get that 8th grade in love feeling every now and then. And, honestly, every now and then is all that I have time for these days. . .
Speaking of not having time for things. . . I need to go and hang out with my oldest little man. Today is rainy and delicious! It is the perfect day for curling up with a cup of coffee, a good book, and a sweet four year old.
And, lest you think my life is a blissful birthday celebration void of all things negative, I will let you in on a secret. Only it isn't really a secret. . . You can hear us coughing a mile away. We are all sick. From the tallest (Daddy) to the very smallest (my 'Lijah), we are all fighting a cold. Thanfully, I think we are winning the battle and feeling a little better each day. . .
Two pics to end this post. I like to call these pictures. . .
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
He May Never Find His Way Back Home. . .
The kid cracks me up.
I mean, really, the things that he comes up with amaze me!
While Elijah takes his morning nap, I take JCT and the monitor down to the swingset. And, we have what I like to call "swingset conversations." I had many precious "swingset conversations" with JCT's big brother. And, now it is JCT's turn. He gets in his favorite swing, and I push him for 30 minutes or so, and we talk. We talk about whatever JCT wants to talk about. Sometimes he wants us to sing together. Sometimes he wants me to tell him a story about him and Joshua. Sometimes he wants to tell me a story. I love it. The conversation is full, free, easy, and often quite entertaining, as well.
Yesterday morning there was a soft cool breeze. The sky was clear, and the sun was shining. As I was pushing JCT and he was assigning numbers to everyone in the family, I started to wonder what would happen if he got lost. Did he know what to tell people? We have told him our address, but I felt sure he didn't remember it. Would he remember my name or Erik's? So, I asked him. . .
Me: JCT, what is Mommy's name?
JCT: Mommy.
Me: Do you know Daddy's name?
JCT: Daddy. And, Grandma's name is Grandma.
It wasn't looking very good, but I thought I'd try one more time. . .
Me: JCT, where do you live? Can you tell me where you live?
JCT: Yes, I live in the jungle with my Grandma and Pop.
Oh, good. I feel better now. I'm just praying that he doesn't ever get lost because I fear we may never see the poor child again.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Neither here nor there
I was musing this morning over several things. One such thing is the fact that Rain is sure to have gained a bit of weight over the past month. I have turned the job of feeding Rain over to JCT who thinks this new responsibility a great honor. He so loves to feed his dog that he rarely feeds him just the one cup full that I ask of him. No, he goes above and beyond the call of duty. He tells me, "No, Mama, Rain needs a little more than that. He's 'ungry." And, with that he digs the scooping cup into the food bag one more time. And, if you look closely, ever so closely, you can see Rain's mouth turned up just slightly in a grin as he watches his little 2 year old advocate scoop extra dog goodness into his bowl.
I have a sweet friend who, when I complained about not having a favorite CD to listen to right now, made me 3 CDs. Yes, she did. She titled them "For Erin vol.1, 2, and 3." And, she didn't stop there. No, ma'am, she typed up pages of commentary on each individual song - why each song is special to her. So, now I have 3 new, and very good I might add, CDs to listen to. Thanks Sara!
Oh, and for any of you out there who follow Sarah's In the Midst of It. I want to say something to you, something that I learned long ago. I know Sarah well. We went to college together. Now a lot has changed in Sarah's life since college. In college she had to get 8 hours of sleep every single night. I would pass by her room at 3 a.m. still very much awake and deep into my studies, and she would be already 5 hours into her sleep. And, while the rest of us crammed large quantities of information into our brains during finals, Sarah would be sitting on her bed cross-stitching. She began preparing for finals at the beginning of the semester, so they were really no big deal to her. She would simply sit back and relax listening to Christmas music with a cinnamon candle lit for atmosphere. My Sarah was always well-prepared and rarely procrastinated. Somehow, she maintained many friendships, a serious boyfriend who is now her husband, an active craft life, and a 4.0. She was always reading books for her classes, as well as, books for her own enjoyment. Just like it baffles my mind now that she is able to knit 6 baby hats, 4 sweaters, cross-stitch, home school, read 5 books at once, and maintain a well-organized household, it baffled my mind back then how she wore 12 hats and wore them all well. I have come to believe that she is some sort of time-management genius. So, if you read her posts and wonder how she does it all, know that you are not alone. I have been wondering the same thing for years. She amazed me back then, and she amazes me now. Some things never change - but, her bedtime, now that is one thing that has changed. . .
Now I am off to make one of those ever important lists!