I struggle with the desire to control. Comfort and safety are the longings of my heart. I long for heaven because there it will be safe and comfortable, and I won't have need to be afraid or concerned. God will physically be near and meet all my needs. But, here on earth? How can I be sure? When Josh drives the hour and a half to college, how can I know he will be safe? I can't. I have to trust God. Not trust God to keep Him safe - but trust God that He is near, that He will be with Josh, and He will be with me no matter what happens.
Teens bathe themselves and feed themselves. They don't need much by way of physical needs met. They don't even need me to drive them places. They come and go as they will. Practice at 4:00, they leave at 3:40. I'm not needed. Sounds so easy to the mother of five children under five. But, young mama, prepare your heart. It is easier physically. But it is much harder mentally and emotionally.
But as in all difficult situations, there is so much ground for God to cultivate and grow us. I am learning to take my hands off the wheel and trust God in ways that I haven't had to before. This morning I wrote the title of this post in my prayer journal and then made a list of all the things I needed to lay down this morning... all the things that I needed to surrender to God. It isn't easy, but I am committed to daily surrender. Lord, help me.
Oh, I feel this post x 1000! Teen drivers...who knew?!? I have had to release control over and over again and I don't think that will ever end. What would we do if we didn't have our loving Father to watch over them? So grateful for His care. So thankful that a quiet, heart felt prayer, is powerful and enough for when one drives off on their own.
Thank you for sharing!
Love seeing your posts- doesn't life fly by? Sending your first off is surely the hardest stage... but also such a sweet time.
Hi Erin, I'm taking a shot in the dark here! :) I read your sweet blog for many years and loved it. And I have a question for you! After the birth of one of your children, you created a video montage post. And the song playing in the background was the most beautiful Christian song and FOR YEARS I've been trying to remember it! Is there any way in the world you remember and could tell me the title? I realize this is a ridiculous ask and you'll likely never see this, but I had to try! Blessings to you and your sweet family!
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