"Poe poe", this is the Dukes family's word for, you know, that part of the body that boys have and girls do not. That is the nicest way I can think to explain it. Anyway, I am the only girl in this home, and therefore, I am the only one without a poe poe. The males in this house, and I think everywhere, take a certain liking to this particular body part. Somehow it is elevated above other body parts. Even my 18 month old, when I change his diaper, cannot keep his hands above his belly button. When I open his diaper, his hands instinctively go immediately, before I can catch them, down there. It is like some sort of magnetic field outside his control. And, then he looks up at me eyes shining, smiling from ear to ear, and says, "Poe Poe!" What is that? I just don't get it.
But, last week Joshua said something that made me laugh. I rarely get to use the bathroom without an audience. This particular day I had only one onlooker - my 3 year old son. He was staring at me thoughtfully. And, then with pained expression, he very seriously asked, "Mommy, did someone just tear your poe poe off? Did someone just get some scissors and cut your poe poe off?" It was one of those mommy moments where your child is completely serious, but you cannot help laughing out loud. So, for the one hundred millionth time I explained that Mommy does not have a poe poe. "Mommy is a girl, and girls do not have poe poes. Daddy, Rain (our dog), Joshua, and James Christofer are boys, so you all have poe poes. But, mommy is a girl, so I do not have a poe poe. That is the way God made me." He just stared at me with that same pained expression as if God had somehow cheated me. And, then, the conversation ended with his looking sweetly at me, and saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, Mommy."
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago
Oh, my word! We call them "parts," and Caiden just would NOT believe me before Addison was born that girls don't have them. Once he helped me bathe her, it finally sank in, and I think he felt a little sad for her, too. Boys. It's an obsession, isn't it?? :)
I am the only female in my household. I totally understand where you are coming from. Just wait until they ask you how the baby acutally comes out =))
It's funny how one family has "poe poes" and another has "fling-flings." ;)
And on that strange note of introduction, hello! I'm a regular reader of Sarah's blog, so I had to pop over and say "welcome to the blogsphere" to another Union alum! I think I was graduating about the time you were coming in, but it always makes me happy to run into another member of the "family." I look forward to more from you!
Wow, I can already tell by your honesty and humor that your blog will be a FUN, refreshing, and inspiring one to read. Glad you've joined the blogging world. Pretty cool, huh?
Oh, and I grew up with 3 brothers and no sisters. My mom said that my potty-training involved FINALLY letting me pee standing up (as I thought it should be done no matter WHAT she told me) to let me see that little girls just don't work the same way as little boys! From then on out, I had learned my lesson! Kids are SO funny.
Hello, I am fairly new to blogging myself. I came here through your dear friend Sarah.
That is a VERY funny story. Why is it that boys love to touch that "thing"? My 14 month old does too. Huh??
That is hilarious! He was sad. That's precious!
Oh, you are a riot! I go from crying (your first post) to laughing my butt off! Good stuff!
I'm LOL at you - at such an early age they just don't get it - we're all thanking the good Lord he didnt give us any hangy down parts. How yucky would that be.....We'd all be talking about jostling and stuff like that. No thank you. By the way, ask Sarah to tell you about her "yang yang" story sometime....quite the moment for us.
We called it a "package", and one day my son was watching Barney when he was 3, and Barney said "If everyone will sit down I will show you all what's in my package", and my son freaked out with disgust!
I was "cruising around" in Blogger-Land and a friend of mine had mentioned this post on her blog today. It made me laugh out loud, and it just confirmed my theory that men/boys poe poes are some how attached to their brains. If it weren't for Women and Poe poes, men would be completely lost in this world. Thanks for my giggle today!
I just want you all to know that these comments are cracking me up!! I love it!! Thanks for sharing!!
that is what we call them too!!!! my 21 mo old just learned to call his that and it is too funny. i came over here from sarah's...welcome to the blogging world!
That is so funny!
Here from Sarah's blog. Looking forward to reading more.
Oh, that's funny. We just had this discussion, once again, today. My little one just does not get that I have no winky, aka stinky winky, dinky winky... Anyway, I, too, am the only girl in my house, so I am sure it will get no better. :)
From a house of all girls, except for Daddy, of course, I want to say thank you for sharing your poe poe story - I shall never think of Edgar Allan Poe the same (not that I really ever think of him)
You got a laugh out of me. Too funny!
I had to comment on this one, b/c we called our backsides "poe-poes" growing up. My mom always sang a song to it too:
"Bottoms up, pat her on the poe-poe let's hear her laugh ahhh-haaa!"
I have carried on this tradition and sing it to my girls!
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