Today was, well, let's just say, not my finest day. I did not earn a nomination for mother of the year today. My children and I ate out for both lunch and dinner. I kinda lost my temper a little bit here and there. My darling JCT clawed my sweet Joshua's face, and then later hit my Joshua over the head 3 times in a row quite quickly. He then looked up and saw that I was watching and walked over to the corner by himself. What, I ask, am I to do with him? Midday, I looked up at heaven and asked God what He was thinking entrusting me with children. It was that kind of day.
So, I decided that I am going to write about good things that happened today. Because my first inclination is to focus on all the very trying things that took place, but in reality I know there are some good things that happened too. . . Now let me think. . .
Good Things by me. . .
The best thing that I can remember that happened today was when I looked in the rearview mirror and saw two sleeping angels in carseats behind me. No matter how they act when they are awake - they look like angels when they are asleep.
JCT grabbed my face with two hands and gave me a big wet kiss on the lips this evening.
When I put the boys to bed, Joshua and JCT both wanted to sit on my lap. They were trying to push eachother off - both wanting to be the only one on my lap. I said, "Just wait, in a few months Elijah will be here, and I will have to hold him, too." Joshua said smilinig, "Well, he'll just have to sit on your head!" The mental picture made me laugh out loud.
My husband, who over the past 3 days has proven himself once again to be the selfless member of our relationship, told me he loved me at least like 15 -20 times today. On days like today, it is so nice to know that I am loved deeply.
We took the boys to a basketball game tonight. An older lady from our church who recently lost her husband and has really been struggling was at the game. I was so glad to see that she was getting out and around again. JCT, who doesn't know her at all, walked right up to her seat and reached up for her with the biggest, sweetest grin on his face. And, then he climbed up in her lap and charmed her silly. . . And, that made my heart smile - Jesus loving on her through my son.
When Joshua saw the mascot of our local team at the game tonight, he leaned over and assured me, "Mommy, now don't just be scared of that tiger. He's a nice tiger. He has a smile, and he will give you five if you want him to. . ." Then, his little voice turned to a whisper, "And, Mommy, it's a man in there. It's just a man inside wearing that tiger. Don't just worry, Mommy. He's a nice tiger, I promise. He won't just eat you. I promise."
Oh, and another good thing. . . watching my two little guys sitting with their legs tucked behind them on the gym floor sharing a bag of popcorn. It was the only time they sat still the entire game! And, they looked super sweet sitting there together all red-headed and precious. . .
And, the perfect ending to the day. . . Chocolate cobbler, milk, and the best dog ever at my feet.
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago
awww, I love this. Look at all those wonderful things! Sounds like a great day to me! :) I know, sometimes it's really hard to remember all the tiny blessings amidst the bigger trials.
So, do you think Joshua is into the word "just" right now? I love when kids get stuck on new words.... I remember going through a phase when I was in kindergarten of saying "even" all the time. One example - "I love even all my brothers and mama and daddy even" (in a prayer once)- my mom told me about that one, among a million others. So funny. And I love how he was telling YOU not to be scared.... I wonder if he was really reassuring himself too.
Adorable. Your stories always warm my heart.
Love you!
Eric and I always say that our children aren't sleeping....they're re-charging!!
I, too, am having one of those days.
Okay, I am so interested in the chocolate cobbler. Sounds delicious!
I am so glad to see this first paragraph! At least I know I am not alone. What an afternoon I have had! This has encouraged me! Thank you!
There must be something in the air Erin. I'm having one of those days too. Just feeling generally discouraged with my mediocre self - yuck!!
Your idea is a very sound one (I do believe it is what God told us to do) - begin to give thanks. I will do that. Oh - and chocolate cobbler and a sweet dog work wonders too.
Congratulaions on you nomination for the Share the Love Award. So very much deserved.
Life is so much sweeter when we choose to concentrate on the half full instead of the half empty...thank heavens from precious moments to balance out the not so precious ones!
We all have those days don't we? But I am so glad you focused on the positive. It encouraged me so much to look at the brighter side.
Thank you!
Wow, it was like reading about my own life! By the end of Monday I was sobbing, to my husband, my friend on the phone, and the Lord. :) This whole parenting thing is so overwhelming at times! But that was a good reminder to think about the good things that happened...instead of focusing on the bad.
I, too, lost the award today. And yesterday. And the day before that. Maybe tomorrow I'll get it?
I'm sorry things have been rough. Go to and read her recent post, "It Gets Easier." I promise it'll bless you!
If it makes you feel better, Grayson has bitten Caiden three times in two days, without being provoked. Grayson, of all people! Sibling rivalry is driving me out of my head.
I love you to pieces:)
Hang in there!!!! I bet when you are not looking, that those two hug and kiss one another too. My oldest has figured out that he can hug his little brother, and it makes it almost impossible to punish him, even if the other is refusing affection at all costs. Sounds like you did win Mother of the Day, you made it through this one still looking on the bright side.
so sweet,as usual!
It is so difficult to stop and count your blessings right smack in the middle of "those" days...but I've found like you there's no better mood changer!
Hang in there!
There is something in the air! I am sure of it. My two girls have been doing all sorts of insane things to each other the past few days. Yesterday the four year old locked the two year old in a room and stood at the door laughing! OH.YES.SHE.DID. The two year old was screaming hysterically. It was not one of the finer moments in our lives.
What a precious post! I'm going to do this on the next day I blow it (okay, probably today!) list the things that were good. What great stories!
Great thoughts! It's all about perspective most of the time, isn't it?
You mean I am not the only one who has days that like that?
But you sure had a lot of sweetness packed in there too!
(I am here from Sarah's. I was reading an old post and clicked over when she mentioned you.)
Sometimes sharing the less than wonderful moments of our lives is more encouraging than sharing the other. And the chocolate cobbler - I think we need you to post that!
Just thinking of you and sending many hugs.
Missing you, Erin! Hope all is well.
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