Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From an Acorn to an Oak Tree. . .

Today is perfect. It is cool and overcast. So, I began praying early this morning that God would be so generous as to allow this tired young mother an hour of peace in the afternoon. I prayed that the gray, dreary day would cause my young ones to fall fast asleep at naptime. And, guess what. . .

It is 1:06, and I am sitting at my computer desk, a hot cup of coffee by my side, and only the muffled sound of white noise coming from my various baby monitors. Peace. Thank You, sweet Lord, thank you.

As I drove home from JCT's preschool I was thinking about trees. They are so beautiful in Autumn. I was thinking about the beautiful hickory in our backyard. And, I was thinking about how maple trees stand out with their lush orange colors this time of year. . . and Bradford Pear trees with their burgundy hues. And, I can't leave out the Crepe Myrtles that look like literal flames with all their yellow, orange, and red colors intertwined. But, oak trees, those big huge oak trees, they don't really stand out during this season. I'm sure there are some gorgeous Oaks out there, but most of the ones around our home simply turn a dull orangish brown, and there isn't a lot of glory in dull orangish brown.
So, anyway, as I pulled into our driveway an old brown Oak tree in our backyard caught my eye. And, I began to think about it's apparent lack of color and that reminded me of a book that I purchased recently.

I was at Fred's. I never go to Fred's. Never. Nothing against Fred's, I'm just a Wal-Mart girl. But, nonetheless, I was in Fred's, and I saw a beautiful hardback book by Max Lucado for 5.99. And, with a name like, The Oak inside the Acorn, how could I turn it down? So, I bought it, brought it home, and forgot about it. . .

until I saw that Oak in the backyard ~ it reminded me. So, I brought the babes all in the house. And, quickly wisked Lijah off to his crib for naptime. It was as dark as late evening in his sweet quiet room. Next, I nursed Erik Daniel and rocked him in my arms until his little eyelids fell. Then, I lay him in his bed to rest. Ahhhhh. . . .

Almost there! JCT asked me to carry him to his room, so I knew he was tired! I carried my 40 pound baby up the steps and lay him in his trundle bed. Then, I went to the boy's bookshelf, found the almost forgotten book, sat down beside JCT, and began reading. . .

I knew that I would like the story because I love acorns. The boys love to hunt them, and I love the thought that mighty Oaks come from these cute tiny little acorns! I often think of my little boys as acorns. And, the book did not disappoint.

Last night at Moms in Touch we prayed that our children would "be the person God created them to be." We prayed that they would not look at others and wish that they looked like or were gifted athletically or intellectually like those around them. We prayed that their confidence would rest in the fact that God loves them, and He created them with a purpose only they can fulfill.
Contentment. Confidence. And, a sense of Purpose.

If only I had already read this book, I would have brought it with me to our meeting last night. It speaks perfectly to this prayer for our children. I spent so many years longing to be prettier, smarter, more athletic, more outgoing, a better cook, more creative, taller, more organized, more decisive, more confident, more healthy, etc. And, I still struggle with this. In fact, it is a common prayer that I pray. . . "Lord, help me not to look to the left or to the right, but to look only at You." I am easily distracted, easily drawn to compare myself to others.
And, that breeds a lack of contentment, confidence, and in it I lose the sense of purpose God placed deep in my heart ~ that internal compass that keeps me on His path.
And, I think that is why this book touched me so.
I sing the same songs to JCT everyday at naptime. And, one of them struck me today as I cradled my sleepy acorn in my arms. These words came out of my mouth in a somewhat melodic way. . .
"And, one day when you're older and taller than me, I'll say I watched you grow like a beautiful tree. . ."
I have little acorns clinging to my branches. We are all very comfortable with this situation. I hold them close, and they cling to me. But, one day God will call my little acorns to leave my branches, fall to the earth, and stand on their own.
And, it is my prayer, little men, that you will grow to be strong Oak trees, or Maples, or Hickorys, or Orange trees, or whatever God called you to be. Be that. Don't try to be like your friends or eachother or even your sweet Daddy. Be who God created you to be. It is the easiest and best thing for you to be. And, I cannot wait to see the unique ways that God has gifted each of you. He has a special purpose for each of your lives, and I can't wait to know exactly what that is!
Cling tight to me little acorns, and I will hold you close. But, one day when God whispers to your sweet heart that it is time to let go, go forth, little acorn, go forth and be. Be all that He called you to be.
I love you, my little men.
Your Mommy


Deidre said...

Beautiful, Erin.

I haven't seen that book. I have to get it. We've been dealing with that very subject around here lately and there has been a lot of comparisons going on. The inevitable crept up on me and I was got off guard.

Thanks for sharing this.

Stacy said...

Such sweet words from a momma's heart. I now have to go and buy that book.

Thank you for your blog. I truly enjoy visiting here each day.

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Beautiful post...I just posted on my blog about the process we boy mamas go through in letting go of our little acorns. One of my acorns is growing rapidly into a man, and I am in transition. It's much harder than I thought it would be. I will have to get this book...Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors. He has such a gift with words. Thank you for sharing your heart, and for the beautiful word picture.

In His Grace,
Kelly Gerken

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Hi! I live in a sweet country home overflowing with love and laughter. I have been blessed to journey these days beside a man that I love, respect, and admire. He is my soul-mate and best friend. Together we are seeking to raise our seven children to be lovers of God, to be wise and discerning, and to be all that our sweet God created them to be.


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