Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Surrender is the Opposite of Control

Friday, July 08, 2022
How many times over the years have I begun a post only to stop mid first paragraph and quit. I've been praying about returning to this space regularly. Not what I will but what He wills. We will see if He gives words to my thoughts. My time is short these days, and so the words will have to flow easily...
I love the seasons. We live in the south, and we have the blessing of enjoying four distinct seasons. I love every single one of them ~ fall and winter are my favorites. But, what would life be without the joy of new birth in the spring ~ the glorious green everywhere. And summer with sticky watermelon juice dripping from sweet little faces, hot sweaty hard at play kiddos, and the sound of water splashing mixed with squeals and laughter. The hotter the summer and the thicker the humidity, the sweeter the coming of fall seems ~ a reprieve from the heat. It rolls in gently on the soft winds of change. Pumpkin patches and Thanksgiving dinner, family gathering together ~ the smell of apples and pumpkin spice... Then, comes winter, Christmas, cinnamon scents, cozy snow days with hot chocolate, and curling up in blankets by the fireplace...
I love the seasons. As much as I love any particular season, I wouldn't want to stay in it all year long or forever for that matter. Though eternal fall sounds heavenly ~ I would miss corn on the cob and picnics on sweaty kids... And, I am reminding myself of this as I look toward this fall ~ when my oldest will leave my home for college for the first time. Our family will enter a new season of life. I will enter a new season of motherhood. This is hard because I love the other seasons of motherhood so much!
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Josh's first day of 7th grade with his good buddy Gage by his side. |
Slowly one by one they have left my homeschool in 7th grade and gone to middle school to play basketball. And, now my homeschool has gone from 7 students to 3 students. This season has looked different. I've still been homeschooling the same ~ morning time and read alouds, crafts and science experiments, but it has also looked different.... It is a distracted homeschool. Mom having to run out to see or take part in various activities at the school during our homeschool day ~ pep rally's, homecoming events, etc. all change the flow of our homeschool. And, I will forever miss the sweetness of the days with all at home ~ such sweetness filled our home during those years. But, what wonderful things I have experienced when my boys went to school ~ they thrived! FCA president ~watching Josh learn to lead and speak and love people well, their growth as basketball players ~ lots of 5 county tournament champions, STATE CHAMPIONS, a state champion MVP... Going to games, driving hours, becoming like family with his teammates' families, cheering until my throat hurt, watching Josh and James start together and fight together and ultimately win it all together! This season has been such fun. I wouldn't call it "sweet" like the little years, but it has been "fun." And, I am grateful for it. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
But, life goes on, the winds of change blow again and move us forward, onward to what God has next. The story must continue. We can't stay in the same chapter forever no matter how sweet or fun it is. Josh is ready to try life on his own, to spread his wings. I know he will do well. He has what it takes. And, I will watch as this new season unfolds... God will be with him, and He will be with me as He always has been.
Last night I did something I haven't done in years. I walked outside and stood at the end of our azalea bushes just past the breezeway but not quite to the front porch. When the kids were little and the noise and chaos overwhelmed me, I would step outside to this exact spot and stare at the sky, the sunset, the stars, the moon, and I would pray for the strength to go back inside and love them well. I would take a minute to see God and feel him with me right there by the azaleas. So, last night I walked to that same spot, and I stared at the sunset, and I thanked God for being with me all through the little years and the middle years. And, I thanked Him that I can know with certainty that He will be with me during these later years of adult children emerging from my home. He holds my heart. Like Mary I ponder so many memories deep in my heart. My heart is full, my cup overflows. He has been with me and always will be and that is my comfort as the seasons change. Lots of things will be different, but, He and I, we will walk it out together just like we always have.

Monday, May 22, 2017
You Have to Start Somewhere...
When I allow myself to stop long enough to think about it, it makes me so sad ~ the thought that I haven't blogged faithfully in sooooo long!! In a strange way, I feel like several years of my life have been stolen from me. :-( Life has come at me so fast and so hard for so long now. When I think back over the last few years, the memories are sketchy at best. I so wish I had just taken even 15 minutes once a week to record a bit of my heart. Just enough to remind me of how it felt in the midst of the chaos. But, I didn't do that. Bummer.
In so many ways I feel like I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. My baby is three! My oldest went to middle school this year! Everyone is out of diapers! Everyone sleeps through the night! When we go to baseball games, we don't need to take a stroller! I don't have to nurse or spoon feed anyone! There are still many needs and demands but not nearly as many as there has been in the past. So, slowly, I am trying to add a few things I enjoy back into my life here and there, and this has been such a blessing! But, I keep putting blogging off because I know I can never ever catch up. I don't have time. So, all I can do is start today. So, that is what I am doing! I'm starting today.
This is a random mix of what is going on in our neck of the woods...
I am attempting to organize my entire house. Insert exhaustion. But, I am actually getting somewhere!!
We added on a dock this spring...
My baby is growing up, and the days of him falling asleep on me are coming to an end. So, I'm soaking it up!
We had a small injury last week. Our old pool pump motor fell off of something and onto Elijah's toe!! Ouch!
That is it for today! But, I do believe I will be back soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2016
Nature Study...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
The Beach and Adding a Bit of Margin...
Crazy Josh....
Jack and Emery playing a friendly little football game :-)
Josh and James spent hours out there paddling away... They went a bit farther out than my comfort zone would have liked, but they were adventurous together, and I love that!
This is my resident marine biologist. He really ought to live close to the ocean one day. His heart is found somewhere deep in those deep blue waters. He loves to fish and study all kinds of marine animals. This is his happy place...
We had so much fun! New adventures...
I tried to take a selfie with Emery and Zeke, but I had to settle for one with each of them separately. Somehow I couldn't get both of them in the same picture!
Every year all the boys have to play their annual beach football game! Erik is the quarterback for both teams. :-)
Hours at the beach makes even this energizer bunny... Zzzzzzzzzzz....
The condo we stayed in was perfect! We loved just hanging out there!
We always load all our things and the kids in the van, and then Erik and I come in and run through one last quick time to make sure we haven't forgotten anything. It is always quiet, and I always take one last long gaze out at the ocean. I always fight tears. I don't think it is so much that I love the ocean, but more that I love the time away from "real life" with the ones that I love the most. I treasure these little beach vacations. They have my heart. Until next time...
Usually we hit the ground running when we return home. But, I was determined we would not do that this time! I actually scheduled it so that the kids had only a few subjects to do today (our first full day home). I am learning that I tend to push myself too hard, and a little margin goes a long way when it comes to avoiding burn out. So, instead of a crazy first day home, we have had a relaxing, sweet day. I even made time to blog! What??? Yes, and I am so happy I did! And, I believe that by Friday I will be even more grateful for the slow ease back into "real life." :-)

Saturday, October 01, 2016
Embracing the Change...
It's been a bit of a roller coaster, but all in all, his transition has been painless ~ easy, even. In this small town, we know pretty much every teacher he has. Erik is so involved with the school athletics that he is very acquainted with coaches, teachers, and administrators. In a funny way, it has felt like a safe little nest to send him off to. I cannot complain. Everyone has bent over backwards to help him. When we walked into orientation, we were met with squeals of excitement from several teacher friends. Everyone has been so welcoming, so excited to have him! He is playing football and looking forward to basketball which begins in a few weeks!
As for the rest of us...
We are happily homeschooling. James misses Josh, and I am with him on that. He doesn't have his buddy during the day, and that is hard. But, we are slowing growing accustomed to this new normal. And, we are trying to make the best of it. When Josh gets home and begins his homework, James takes a seat next to him and busies himself with some sort of quiet work just to be near him. It's the sweetest...
Our little world spins on and on... Time flying by so fast that I am left stunned and speechless at times. When I started this blog, I had only Josh and James. Now look at our crew! Some days I feel fresh and happy and young like that mama I once was ~ the one who never had to think of lesson plans or dropping off or picking up kids at various activities. That mama who just took her little ones on walks and drew with sidewalk chalk for hours on end.... And, then, at other times I feel war torn and tired. I've lived a lot of life since the sweet simple days of only small children. It is an interesting place to be ~ to be the mother of big kids with football and basketball games, as well as, the mom of little ones who still want to sit in your lap and listen to you read Brown Bear, Brown Bear over and over again. And, so I try to find the balance, to be both these moms to both these types of children... Sometimes I find myself frustrated with the older boys' busy schedules or frustrated with the littles for not being "easy" for ME (note my selfishness) at their brothers' ball games. But, really, they are all precious, and I pray God will make me enough to be the mother they all need, all 7 of them.
I hope to be back again very soon! :-)

Monday, May 30, 2016
The Beach 2016
Daddy did the big grocery trip once we got to Gulf Shores, and he bought some fun things!! :-)
I think one of my favorite things about the beach is how it wears out my kids!! So much fun!
I love that when we go (spring and fall) we almost have the beach to ourselves. It makes watching the kids so much less stressful!
Next year we will have to buy a tent because someone did not like the sun on her! :-)
Mother's Day 2016...
My favorite thing to do at the beach...
Steamers in Gulf Shores at the recommendation of some sweet friends! The perfect spot for a big family like ours!
Matt's Homemade Alabama Ice Cream was awesome! We will be back for sure!
Fort Morgan, thank you once again for a peaceful, wonderful family vacation! This makes our fourth trip to this beach, and it is beginning to feel like a second home to me!