Let's see, part 1 ended with my Joshua's "birth" day, February 4, 2003. We enjoyed Joshua as a baby and knew that we wanted to have another. We chose to forego any use of BC in order to let God give us another whenever He chose - praying that wouldn't take long. It took a little longer than we had hoped, but on Father's Day, June 20, 2004, we found out that we would be expecting baby #2. We were ecstatic! Dr. Young gave us the official due date - February 25, 2005.
Now the nine months that followed didn't have quite the same magical feel to them as the months prior to Joshua's birth. . . I was nauseated off and on during the first trimester - something I didn't experience at all with Joshua. And, the second trimester had something else waiting for me. . . varicose veins. Ugh. I dawned support hose in late October and kept them on all the time (except at night) throughout the rest of my pregnancy. And, I am a girl who hates hose, hates hose. They itch. They are confining. But, I knew that he would be well worth it. I didn't have quite as much time to relish the pregnancy because this time I was chasing a little one year old around. But, I enjoyed it nonetheless. . .
We didn't really think JCT would be as early as Joshua. With Joshua I had a kidney stone at about week 34, and we wondered if all the painful sleepless nights, etc. threw me into an early labor. I guess you never really know when a baby will come. All the sudden one day God stirs something inside the little one and whispers, "It's your time to come. . ." And, the little one makes his way out of our bellies and into our world. And, other than through the use of modern medicine, we have little to no control over all of this. . . I think that is great. Godspeed.
The pregnancy went along as normal - a contraction here or there - nothing noteworthy. Until February 3rd. . . I was scheduled to see Dr. Y on Friday, Feb. 4th for my first weekly appointment and my first time to be checked. So, on Thursday the 3rd, I had no idea if I was progressing at all. I woke up that morning with a lot to do on my daily planner. Joshua's 2nd birthday party was scheduled for Saturday, and I was going to attempt a 3-D Bob cake and a flat Larry cake. I am an overachiever, but a 3-D Larry Cake was just a bit above my skill level. So, a friend came over to help me take care of Joshua while I baked and iced the cakes. I contracted all morning from 9 to noon. I remember occasionally wanting to sit down because the contractions were fairly strong. I decided that if I was still contracting that evening when Erik got home I would tell him. But, the contractions tapered off at noon, and I forgot all about them. We had a babysitter sit with Joshua that night and we, get this, went out for Mexican food with another couple. I guess it is something about Mexican food? We came home - still no contractions. I rode the stationary bike and then decided to scrapbook for a few minutes before going to bed. I was determined to get Joshua's scrapbook caught up before JCT came.
And, this is when it happened. . . I simply bent over to pick up a piece of paper. . . small pop. I literally felt this tiny little bubble burst, so strange. And, I stood up and thought, "Could that be my water? Nahhh." I took 2 steps and felt it. . . drip, drip. In less than a second all these thoughts ran through my head, "Lord, have mercy. No. Not now. Not tonight. I'm tired. I just want to go to bed. You are kidding me. I was going to be ready this time. This time I was going to have a bag packed, baby clothes washed, the nursery set up and ready. Please, give me a week." Let me just say, that I am not a night owl. I am very much a morning person, so the thought of laboring at night was not super appealing. I think I bargained with God to let me wait until morning, but He said, "No."
So, I took a few more steps, testing the water - no pun intended. But, the drip continued. . . I walked into the living room where my sweet husband was watching Sports Center. "I think my water just broke," I said, and walked past him to the bedroom without even making eye contact. I sat on the potty, water started really gushing out. I looked up to see Erik standing in the doorway (I am so proud that he left Sports Center for me - that says alot). I got up and let him check me. He said he thought that I was about 3 cm dilated. That was all it took. . . I started shaking uncontrolably and crying. We called Dr. Y who wanted me to come to the Women's Center asap. Great. When you want to go natural, this is not the way you want labor to go. . . My water was broken, and I was not contracting. I could literally see the nurses hanging bags of Pitocin while I lay in bed in fetal position writhing in pain.
We called a friend to stay at our house with our sleeping Joshua. And, at around 11 p.m. we left for the hospital - a 30 minute drive. It was somewhere between our house and the hospital that it hit me. I looked at the clock in the car. "Erik," I said, "I'm not going to have this baby within the next hour. He's going to be born on Joshua's birthday." And, we just looked at eachother - confused - should we smile or cry? "Oh, me," I thought, "This is not what I had planned. . ." I was still shaking, but, thankfully, I started contracting on the way to the hospital. By the time we got there, I was 5 cm.
We called my parents. They were on their way, but they had a 4 hour drive. My nurse, oh me, I shouldn't complain. I was just so blessed the first time. Let's just say that she was very green and not accustomed to natural labors. The contractions intensified, and by 3 a.m. I was ready to push. Erik disappeared to put on scrubs, and I was left with my darling young blond nurse who was more interested in playing with monitors than assisting in my labor. Several contractions I pushed, counting alone in my head, while she worked on things around the room - completely unaware that I was even contracting. Oh, how I missed my mom! But, in the end, all was well and James Christofer Truett came out sunny side up with the cord wrapped around his neck twice!
I am thankful for the minutes after everyone cleared out of the room. It was quiet - just Erik, JCT, and me. And, we enjoyed the peace of those moments after the craziness of the last 4 hours. . .
I couldn't believe that I was holding him. He was supposed to be in my belly. But, he was here - 3 weeks early and all at once - boom - he was here!
Oh, and needless to say, I opted for the wheelchair this time. I wasn't much in the mood for a victory march. I felt a bit wounded and very, very tired.
I never slept that day. I just couldn't. I couldn't wait to introduce my boys. Erik brought Joshua later that day, and quite possibly my favorite moment on earth transpired. . . I'll never forget how he looked when he walked in the room. I was sitting in the hospital bed, and in walked my big boy. . . on his 2nd birthday. He had on an orange winter hat and a big brother t-shirt, and he looked precious. Without saying a word or anyone directing him, he walked over to the bassinet and peeked inside. It is a picture that will never leave my heart. . . It was love at first sight. Joshua adored him, absolutely adored him. He examined his little fingers and toes. He wanted to hold him. He loved him. By far, JCT was the best birthday present Joshua got that year! The gift that will keep on giving, right?
Although they were arguing the other day and Joshua looked up at me and said, "Mommy, do you think we could just sell him back to Dr. Young?" I don't really think he meant it. At least, I hope not. Ahhhh. . . the bonds of brotherhood.
And so, February 4th, will never be just another day to me. It is a super special day to me - the day of my oldest boys' births. And, I will say that as we celebrated the boys' birthday, the thought crossed my mind, "Elijah, are you going to come on February 4th, too?" But, it was not his time, not yet. . . He still has a few months of growing to do.
How fun it is to look back over the years - the four years of my Joshua and the two years of my JCT. They may share a birthday, but they are cetainly unique. Joshua is my sweet boy and JCT my silly boy. One makes my heart warm with his tenderness and the other makes my heart laugh with his silliness. But, both of them make my heart swell with pride and thankfulness.
January 2025- A lesson in hope
10 hours ago
I just love the fact that when I read your blog, I literally can feel how much you love your family and just how much your family loves you. You can tell that understand the love of our Father in Heaven enough to receive it and give it.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog.
Thanks so much for sharing your life with the rest of the world.
What a sweet story, Erin. I love that last picture of you with your boys. They are so cute.
By the way, I'm never ever letting my husband read your blog.....when he reads that you came home 9 months pregnant and got on your stationary bike??? well, let's just say he'll think I'm the Biggest. Wimp. Ever. !!!
Seriously, I can't believe that!!!
Beautiful...the story, your boys, thier bond, your family. You truly glorify God in all that you write and share. Thank you!
You have such a gift of writing your feelings. What a wonderful story! Im a mom of two girls and feel as strongly about them! I would like to pass this on to moms who like to browse for really cute baby clothes! Sandboxcouture.com (My favorite spot to shop!)
A sweet ending to a precious story Erin. Isn't it funny how God just doesn't seem to consult our plans when He does things? And then they turn out so well. The pictures are great. Thanks for sharing your story. I loved it!!
What a great story! I couldn't wait to read Part 2:)
Whoa, are you pregnant? I think I forgot that....
I so enjoyed this story... both parts of it!
I believe God has a sense of humor and likes to use it now and then... like having your 2nd little one come 3 weeks early to share a birthday. :-)
Thank you for sharing your life in the precious way you do. I really enjoy your posts.
Reading this: "I got up and let him check me. He said he thought that I was about 3 cm dilated." I read this and laughed to myself, for there are surely some who read you and dont know your husband is a doctor.....bet that had them wondering. Precious post.
Such a precious, sweet story! Thanks for sharing!
WOW, I can't believe they were born on the same day! That really is crazy. Especially when they were both due so much later. I just love these posts, as per usual. I think I say that about every single one, but it's true. Much love to a sweet mama today.
Blessed Beyond Measure -
Maybe if they don't know he is a doctor, they can just assume that he slept at a Holiday Inn Express the night before???
Such a sweet sweet story! What a wonderful day,Feb 4th! Your boys are the cutest! I enjoy your sweet posts!
Oh Erin, the picture of the three boys together made me cry.
And then? Then I got to see YOU, with your boys, and I missed you so badly I literally felt it!
I love you dear friend, and I took your bag on my date tonight, just to feel like you're a little closer :)
Oh, Erin,
What a fun story! This brought back so many memories of my own birth experiences. What a neat idea you're recording all this for your boys to know as they grow. And how neat that your boys share their day. My dad and brother have the same b-day (four days after mine; my poor mom!) and my son was born on my 3 year salvation date! Congrats on all your boys - all THREE of them!
Birth stories are rejuvinating!! And I couldn't help but giggle - if I had asked my husband to check, he would have turned 10 shades of red and then not known what to check. Lucky you have a doc. I take that back-that is just down right funny.
I am just now reading this and it made me cry. There is just nothing sweeter than a new baby and how amazing that they came on the same day two years apart.
Thanks for sharing the story.
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