That is my boy, my little boy, my little big boy! The same boy that I used to describe as timid and a bit bashful. But, oh me, is he changing!! He is growing and trying new and exciting things ~ things I never thought I'd see my Joshua do. And, I am just sitting back, watching him with a heart bursting at the seams with pride!
Yesterday, we went to orientation at his elementary school. He was excited. I was nervous. And, Erik was his normal steady Eddie self. When we walked through the front doors of the school, we saw the library immediately to our left. Erik, out of curiosity, decided to venture over and show Joshua all the books and fun things that this sweet little library housed. And, as soon as we entered the room, our pastor's wife (the school librarian) came running over to Joshua. And, in the way of any true, good southern woman, she gushed sugary sweet gush all over my son. "Joshua, if you need anything, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, you come in here and let me know. I'll take care of you. You are going to love it here. And, this is where you will sit for story time! And, I am going to be right here all the time. So, come and see me, okay? Aren't you just precious! Oh, I love that red hair! You come see me, now!" All the while, she never took her hands off of him. And, as we were leaving the library, we ran into the school coach, a friend of Erik's. We discussed the new rock climbing wall in the gym and all the fun things Joshua would do with Coach F. during his P.E. class.
And, I felt myself relax just a bit.
Then, we entered the school office and met the principal, who we already know (living in a small town has its perks!). After filling out a bit of paperwork, we were ushered into the hall where our fate would be sealed. There were two ladies sitting in the hall with notebooks. And, in their notebooks were the official 2008-2009 class lists. We were about to find out who Joshua's kindergarten teacher would be. Now, there are six classes with 15 kids - one teacher and one assistant per class. I only know two of the six teachers personally. And, I had completely written off the thought that Joshua might get one of the two that I know. So, as they looked up his name, I braced myself. And, you know what?
He got one of the two teachers that I know! She is a sweet girl, and I know she will take care of my sweet boy. I could hardly believe it! We walked to her classroom where Joshua was given a gift (what is up with that - my teachers never gave me gifts at orientation!), and I was given a hand full of information to read! Joshua new several of the kids from his preschool, and Erik and I met a couple that we have heard a lot about and have wanted to meet for some time now.
After we left the school, we let Joshua choose wherever he wanted to eat. He had Daddy and Mommy all to himself, and this was his special day. So, what do you think he said?
I pretended not to hear him. I threw out some suggestions the local family restaurant, the local Mexican restaurant, etc. But, he stood his ground.
Erik and I just looked at each other. We don't eat at McDonald's. EVER. I guess you could call us fast food snobs. We just don't go there.
But, we did yesterday.
Because it was his special day and that was what he wanted.
Then, we came home, and I looked at this picture of Joshua flying through the air above our pool that I had taken a few days ago. And, as I looked at the picture, I thought about how carefully Erik throws him. He throws him far and high, but with the care of a father who would never throw him too far or too high. And, so here we are, in the same way, letting him go just a little bit, testing the waters. We will see what this year brings.
I always love seeing how God works the teacher thing out every year for my kids. It's always exactly the one my child needed for that year. Joshua is going to have an awesome year, I am sure! Been thinking about you. It won't be long till you see the newest member of your family! Love you!
I was digging through piles yesterday and came across a book and thought of you...It's called "Love Notes in Lunch Boxes" by Linda Gilden.
You have to have an extremely sentimental heart to appreciate a sweet book like this :) and I immediately thought of you and your sweet boy! I used notes and cards to communicate with my girls while they were in school and it was so precious. They still have them in a giant ziplock bag!
If I knew they were struggling with something I could encourage them with scripture and remind them where their strength came from! Well wishes for tests, reminders of fun things we had planned for the afternoon and just general love notes! I used napkins, notecards, sticky notes, baggies with stickers, etc.
Blessings as you enjoy and cherish the rest of your summer!
I predict you'll ALL love Joshua's new routine. Like you, I wish time didn't move so fast. But it does, no matter how hard I keep pushing this 'pause' button.
That pool looks like so much fun. Aren't you glad you have it now?
Change is always scary, isn't it? But, usually it ends up being so good.
That picture is great. The pool looks so refreshing. I wish I could borrow it for an afternoon. But, I think it would be hard to move. :)
Sounds like there will be many people at Joshua's school that will be able to look after him for you during those school hours. And he'll love seeing those familiar faces! I'm so glad you know his teacher - that's such an important relationship and I think you'll feel so much more comfortable since you already know her. Clearly, God is answering your prayers and showing you that this choice is just perfect for your Joshua right now.
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