And, his day finally came. . .
Only, bless his heart, it wasn't quite that easy. . .
His first scheduled T-ball game was cancelled due to a high school play-off game. His second game was cancelled again because the high school team won and moved on and once again was playing. . .
Finally, finally his team was scheduled to play their first game. We counted down the days, the hours. . . But, when that long awaited morning finally came, JCT woke up and said that his "neck" hurt. Daddy took JCT to work with him and tested my little man for strep.
Then, Monday he woke up to a sunny happy day, this was, once again, to be his first t-ball game finally!! Hurray!!!!
"Will it rain today, Mommy? Will they cancel my game?" he asked. I assured him that it was sunny with only a 20% chance of rain!
Fast forward 6 hours, and the rain clouds rolled into our little town. And, as I drove around running errands, there was no denying the thunder and lightning that indicated that he would once again not be able to play. His little voice hopeful from the back of the van, "Maybe it will just rain a minute, and they will not cancel my game."
Tears shed with each and every cancellation.
But, last night FINALLY, my little man got to play in his first game EVER!!!!
Number 23 ~ like Lebron James. . .
It won't be long, little Lijah. . .
High school sports are full of excitement and fast paced moves. But these early years? There's nothing as sweet as the first season or two for our little ones.
And about the whole outfield moving in for the ball...we used to say they were like bees heading back to their hive.
Great pictures. Great post. Great little boys.
Nice gloves!!
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