Hi, little friend! We sure enjoyed seeing you!! You are just about the sweetest thing ever!
You are the work of the Maker, and I am in awe. You came like a whisper into our little world. We never in our wildest dreams imagined God would bless us with you when He did! Just 3 short months after your big brother Jack was born, our Creator saw fit to begin work on you! When I saw those little pink lines on that cute little stick, I was completely blown away! But, life with 5 children gets busy, and you have not drawn much attention to yourself...
Quiet. You have been quiet. I had a few sick days, but nothing like I have had in previous pregnancies. And, I've hardly gained weight, growing only the littlest amount each month. And, as I type this I am 18 weeks along, and I still am not feeling you move. In fact, I asked the sonographer if you were, in fact, moving! She said you were but not a lot. Maybe you will be a calm, quiet child? Or, maybe we will read this 10 years from now and laugh at the thought!! :-) Either way, I love you tremendously. And, I am so glad that you are mine! I'm thankful to my sweet God for you!
Girl or Boy :)
Hmmm...my boys were all very active movers, but the girls were very mellow. Wishing you lots of pink!!
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