I had just about had it with all the "Yeah"s and "Nope"s, so I felt compelled to cut a deal. Right or wrong I cut a deal with my 3 year old son. Bribery, Lisa Whelchel said it is okay to use it. In fact, she highly recommends it! So, here was our deal. . . For every "Yes Ma'm" or "No Ma'm," Joshua receives one M&M. Sounds simple enough, and at first it worked like a charm. But, then, he got a little shifty with it!!! First, he came up to me and said, "Tell me you love me." So, I quickly responded, "I love you, little man." To which he immediately came back with, "Yes Ma'm, you do love me." And, at dinner we heard comments like, "Yes, Ma'm these potatoes sure are good," (without a prompting question from me or his father). So, we had to explain that he would only get M&M's for saying "Yes Ma'm" in response to a question, etc. I have heard enough "Yes Ma'm"s in the last 24 hours to last a lifetime. . .
I love this idea! I am big on ma'am and sir here and I hear people so "Oh I could NEVER get my kids to do that" well I just started since my 4 yr old started talking, so about what 2yrs ago! And they are pretty good but I will share the m&m incentive! Great job! xoxo melzie
Aha - I see great potential in that little guy. He's very clever. I always found bribery to be a great tool ( however I chose to call it "rewards"). Even Dr. Dobson said rewards are permissable. He said the Lord promises us rewards so it must be a good thing.
I so enjoy reading your posts Erin.
Great idea. Kids are so clever aren't they. If he knows when to how to get his m&m's, he'll catch on the his manners quickly!
Never underestimate the power of bribery. The promise of candy has allowed me to sleep in until 7:00 a.m. for 2 weeks in a row.
Kids are so smart.... they always find the loopholes, usually faster than the adults! Cute story. And good call, Linda, about calling them "rewards".... while it may seem like bribery to us, it's a reward to the child and makes them feel proud of themselves.
Well, at least you don't have to worry about his intellect!
Grayson is already starting to say yes ma'am whenever I say, "Do you understand?" Other than that, he loves "Yeah" and "no," but it's progress.
Bribes are a mother's best friend:) My friend Robin, who blogs, has the phrase "Never underestimate the power of a Dum-Dum" as the banner on her blog site, she uses them so much! She says her kids' teeth might fall out, but they'll be well-behaved in the meantime!!
We use diet Coke around here. Shh--don't tell Jen!
That is a very smart 3 yr old! Whether bribery is wrong or right, it definitely comes in handy sometimes!
Kids sure do catch on fast when they want to, don't they? :-) Too funny!!
LOL...aren't they creative! At least he was seeing the advantages of polite conversation!
How hiliarious he sounds like Lisa Whelchel's Tucker. I love her stuff I just finished her bible study creative correction.
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