Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bad mood, Good Day - Part 2

I think it was around 4:00 pm yesterday that I posted the post previous to this one. After I finished the post, JCT woke up and I took all 3 boys outside to play. Do you remember that I said something like this. . . "and the day isn't even over yet. . ."

Well, it wasn't.

I bundled the boys up and took them down to the swing set. As I was settling this cute, cozy little one into the baby swing, I heard my oldest son squeal with delight.

And, if you have sons, then you know that squealing with delight is often a bad sign. I looked up to see Joshua smiling and laughing at the bottom of the slide. He looked at me and in between hysterical laughter he let me in on the "fun." It seems JCT thought that it would be a good idea to stand at the top of the slide and tinkle down the slide. I walked over to the slide. There stood JCT smiling proudly at the top of the slide and a stream of urine making its way down the slide. I didn't think it was funny. Call me a prude, but I was quite disgusted by the whole thing. And, since the swing set is too far from the house to hose the slide down, I announced that the slide was not to be used until we have a good hard rain.
The day before JCT went tee tee in the garage. I was unloading the van, and when I came back out to get another armful of bags, I saw him. He was standing beside the car, pants at his ankles, and a little puddle in front of his feet.
So, in a twenty-four hour period the child has gone tee tee in my car, down the slide, and in the garage. What next, I ask you?


Dear Abbi said...

Even though it may sound terribly insensitive, these posts are hysterical! I only think this because I, too, have had similar days!! Take heart, the sun has to go down and you can start all over again tomorrow, which is really today. So I hope you are having a better day already!

Southern Girl said...

I don't know if it's what's next, but at some point, he'll be writing his name in the snow (provided you get anywhere you live). Boys -- and men! -- it's a never-ending fascination at pointing and shooting. ;)

Deidre said...

Oh, I can so relate to this post and the previous one. Not because of all the tee tee, but because our days are starting before 6:00 am and I'm struggling to keep up with all the endless demands.

I hope your day was better today.

Jackson said...

Oh, these days... I always tell myself,"I'm either gonna laugh or cry." I mostly choose laugh, but every couple of months I gotta let a cry out!! We are having early mornings too.. the big boys are waking early while he newborn is sleeping perfectly! Go figure!

Tyna said...

Oh you poor thing! Sometimes it's not the catasrophes that get us, it's the little rocks that pile up and bury you...

This Journey of Mine said...

Yea, that just might have put me over the edge a bit too. Hoping the next day was better!!!

HW said...

Okay, yes, going tee tee down the slide is crude and in poor taste.


So when your husband got home did you say "Guess what YOUR son did today?"

AW said...

Of course it's funny. Because it's not our child. ;-)

Several years ago my husband sat in his car outside of his sister's home, talking to a friend. It was cold and dark, in the winter and out in the middle of the sticks so it was extra cold. With a lot of family there that weekend, nobody realized he had disappeared to his car to phone a friend. So a few minutes later, when his little nephew (around 6 at the time) came out to the front porch, he didn't realize Uncle N was watching him from his parked car. Watching him as he pulled down his pants and peed off the front porch with a big steady steaming stream! My husband about died trying to not give his location away with his fit of laughter.

But it doesn't end there.

My husband continued to watch as his nephew pulled his pants back up and walked back into the house. In the meantime, explaining to the friend on the phone what he just witnessed.

About 5 minutes later hubs watches his nephew's FATHER comes out to the front porch, unbuckle, AND PEE OFF THE FRONT PORCH!!!

Granted, they live out in the country and their closest neighbor is 4 miles away. But who the heck pees off THEIR FRONT PORCH?!?!?

And we think kids don't notice stuff. LOLOL!

AW said...

Oh...and Erin? Don't jinx yourself by asking "What's next?" I promise it'll be worse. What's worse than urine down the slide? :-)

Jackson said...

I love the slide picture with Elijah still swinging in the background oblivious to everything going on!!!!

My photo
Hi! I live in a sweet country home overflowing with love and laughter. I have been blessed to journey these days beside a man that I love, respect, and admire. He is my soul-mate and best friend. Together we are seeking to raise our seven children to be lovers of God, to be wise and discerning, and to be all that our sweet God created them to be.


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