Friday, October 05, 2007

This Week. . .

I just dropped my three little men off at church. Tonight is Parent's Night Out. I will be spending this parent's night out as a single parent because my Erik is at a high school football game.

This week has been typical for me - extreme highs and lows. I am learning that the way our day goes has a lot more to do with my attitude than it does my boys' attitudes. But, that is just one of the many lessons that God is teaching me through my little ones.

My heart is full, as per usual. This week has ushered in change in a variety of ways and mostly to do with my darling JCT. He has worn underwear all week except for a few outings - which I dared not attempt. . . yet. He did have one accident while playing upstairs. I heard him tell Joshua what he did. JCT confessed to Joshua that he was "scared Mommy will be mad at me." But, Joshua reassured him, "Mommy won't be mad. Don't you worry, JCT. Once I colored on the table, and I thought Daddy would be mad at me. But, he wasn't. Daddy said green was his favorite color. He wasn't mad, and Mommy won't be mad either. It was just an accident. Don't worry, just go tell her." And, God spoke to my heart at that very moment, and I learned something. Too often I use fear tactics to teach my children. But, the lessons that they will remember, the lessons that will give them the clearest picture of Christ are the lessons taught by showing grace. Now, back to the original topic, he is in underwear tonight at church, and I feel certain he will do just fine. He is growing up right before my eyes. Unbelievable.

I pulled the trundle out from under Joshua's bed Tuesday afternoon. And, I asked JCT if he wanted to take his nap on his big boy bed or in his crib. He opted for the big boy bed. I turned the video monitor on and went downstairs. Joshua and I had fun watching JCT play with his feet and listening to him sing song after song. And, eventually he drifted off to sweet sleep. That night I gave him the same choice, and he chose his crib. Wednesday, once again, he napped in the big boy bed and slept the night in his crib. Then, last night he insisted on sleeping in his big boy bed, so I let him. Joshua was tickled. And, I thought they might never go to sleep. They talked and laughed and sang. All the while, Erik and I stood downstairs around the monitor smiling and loving every minute of it. We took the dog out and walked a minute, and when we came back in, they were both sound asleep. It felt good, really good.

Earlier that night I watched as my husband corralled both big boys into the tub with laughs and squeals filling the air. Then, as they played in the bath, good old Rain sauntered upstairs and gave the clean boys a few licks sending them into hysteria. And, I couldn't help, but feel utterly blessed. A great husband, a good dog, 3 wonderful children, and a warm home full of love and laughter. . .

I have been staring at my backyard a lot lately. It is so pretty this time of year. A family of turkey have been eating breakfast on our levee each morning. I love to sit and watch them eat their fill. Occasionally another animal will startle one of them, and the startled turkey will take flight, a short flight - but still very fun to watch. And, yesterday when I took Rain out to walk for a minute during nap time, I heard a wonderful sound. The breeze blew some fallen leaves on Mr. Cole's driveway. I stopped walking and watched the leaves dance a minute and listened to their soft rustle. I simply cannot wait until the street is full of leaves. I love to watch them take flight when cars pass, and I love to hear them crackle under my shoes.

I have fallen back in love with an old CD - Chris Rice - Peace Like a River. It is a great fall CD. Anyway, as I was listening to it earlier this week, Joshua asked an interesting question.
"Is this Jesus singing, Mommy?"
I answered no, and then smiled thinking about how Chris would be honored by Joshua's question. Then, later this week, Joshua asked me again, "Mommy, are you sure this isn't Jesus singing?" I assured him that it was Chris Rice who though he has a wonderful voice was not God incarnate. Then, he said, "But, Mommy, he said, 'God, our father.'" Which brought a wonderful topic to the table. The fact that God is our Father, too, and Jesus our brother.
JCT insists that he saw an angel in the backyard. Every time we read a Bible story about an angel, he brings it up again.
"I saw an angel once," he will tell us. "He was in da backyard, and he sayed to me, 'Be not afraid. God is with me,' and he was a man angel. He talked to me. He tole me he luffs me." Makes me wonder. . . Imagination or supernatural? Who knows, but I love to hear him tell us the story. I like to think that children see angels, makes my heart smile.
Oh, and did I mention that when JCT's choir teacher (one of Erik's patients) asked him, "And, what does your Daddy do?" JCT confidently answered, "He spanks my bottom." Oh, me.
So, that is my week in summary. It has been a good week all in all. But, I'd be telling you a story if I told you it was all watching turkeys and listening to rustling leaves and laughing boys. This week has been a wonderful mix of good, bad, and the not so pretty. But, all is well. And, tomorrow I get to go on a Starbucks date with one of my very best friends in the whole world. And, we have great plans to discuss the ninety-nine balloons blog and the book Grace-based Parenting over a decaf white chocolate mocha (for me) and a Chai latte (for her). Now, that is a great way to start October, my favorite month of the year!


Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

I loved reading this post. You always have such great insight. Thank you for sharing your life:)

Mayhem And Miracles said...

Erin, I absolutely love your blog! You are teaching me to be a better mommy even though I am several years ahead in the process. You have such a GENUINE heart. I just wanted to share with you something concerning your Crocs post. I don't even remember where I heard this or if God just gave it to me, but I am keeping scraps from my children's outfits to sew together into a quilt. In fact, I think I will make two for each of them - one for them to take with them when they go out on their own and one for me to wrap up in while I try to endure it. Unfortunately, I know that day will come far sooner than I would like. That is the only thing I don't like about mothering. You spend much time learning to love it all the while knowing it won't last forever! Sigh.

Mayhem And Miracles said...

Well, won't last forever under one I read that I realized it sounded weird. We'll NEVER stop being moms!

Christi said...

Thank you for sharing your heart - such a wonderful post. It spoke to me in several ways this morning!

Jackson said...

We share so much...Jackson thinks that David Crowder Band is Jesus singing and Colby has had some very special "angel" moments. Our first borns hear Jesus singing and our middle children see angels. WOW... what will our third little men be blessed with??!!?? Can you send some of that crisp breeze down to Florida... I do believe we'll be hunting for our pumpkin in flip-flops and tank tops!!! Much love to you and the family!!

Sarah said...

Someday we're going to get together with our millions of boys and let them play in your yard, while you and I sip coffee on your porch and talk for hours. Until then, I'm sending you a hug through the computer. As always, you are precious to me :)

Terri said...

Bless you Sweet Erin. My week went from great to ugly. You, with God's grace has renewed my heart. Thank you for being a willing instrument. Thank you for your honesty and for your true love of our Father.

Deidre said...

I loved reading this post, Erin. How sweet that JCT talks about seeing an angel in the backyard. The fact that he has said it more than once has to make it true, right?

I am so giddy about this time of year! SO giddy. I have said a least 20 times this weekend "I love this time of year - thank you, Lord!" E just says, "I know, Mama, I know" :)

Just tonight, Eric and I were discussing whether or not to get O a full-size bed or a trundle bed when she moves out of her crib. She and E want to sleep together so badly. I love that they want to. I love how much you talk about your boys loving each other. I just think that brings a smile to any Mom. You're such a good Mom, Erin and an inspiration. Thank you!

Be Inspired Always said...

Beautiful post. You have such a genuine heart which is the reason I keep returning to your blog.


Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Oh Erin! It sounds like such a beautiful week (even with the good, bad, and ugly). =) You are so blessed and I just love seeing those pictures of your three little men. =) They are precious. If only we lived near each other, I'd love to have a Starbucks date with you. =)

Casey said...

How do you do it? I ask myself this every time I read your blog! You challenge me over and over again as I have just begun this mommy adventure. My little boy is 5 months old and some days (like today) are so tough. I feel exhausted and near to tears- thanks to teething and lack of sleep. I am encouraged when I come here and see such grace and honesty as you raise your boys.

You once posted about raising warriors, and I thought you should know that I have read that post over and over. I include it in my "parenting notes". Thank you for setting a great example for me.

(And I too am reading Graced Based Parenting. I am totally convicted and inspired all in one!)

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Hi! I live in a sweet country home overflowing with love and laughter. I have been blessed to journey these days beside a man that I love, respect, and admire. He is my soul-mate and best friend. Together we are seeking to raise our seven children to be lovers of God, to be wise and discerning, and to be all that our sweet God created them to be.


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