Life is full of stages. . . We are infants, toddlers, children, teenagers, college kids, grown ups, newlyweds, etc. . .
And, I, at present, am in the stage of life where little ones run wildly through my home. I believe that this is the stage of life where God, if you let Him, determines to diminish all bits of selfishness from a young mother's heart. Somedays I contemplate and compare myself to the "old me." The me that was free to do, for the most part, whatever she pleased. No longer. No more sipping coffee on the back porch alone with Erik while slowly warming up to the idea of morning. . . Now my very own little sunshine wakes me up - before the "real" sun has even thought of shining.
And, here is my little soliliquy. . . I now take showers with an audience of 2 little boys, laughing and making faces at me through the glass door. I have mastered the art of putting on eyeliner and mascara with a two year old sitting on my lap opening my powder compact and playing with my make-up brushes. I usually have sweet company at all times of the day - even when I sneak off to quickly use the bathroom. They can always find me. I can cook a three course meal using only one hand. And, though I carefully plan my day the night before, my children usually have others plans, and my beloved list is often discarded by midday. So, for someone who loves routine, I have learned a great deal about flexibility. And, for someone who loves to work hard and finish early, I have learned to slow down. After all, life is not a race. And, there is no need to rush when you can't get done early. This job is 24/7.
So, occasionally, I have these thoughts of longing for the former days. The days when I didn't have to fix meals for 3-4 people 3 times a day or take an hour and a half out of every evening to bathe, read, brush teeth, fix beds, pray, sing, and tuck in my two little ones. On occasion, I long for the days when I could get up and take care of just me. Drink my coffee slowly and read my Bible for an hour if I wanted - when I had time to really think, really pray.
But, you want to know the truth? That would be nice for a day, or maybe an hour. . . But, when I really think about it, I wouldn't change a thing about my life. I would miss my little audience during my shower. And, I would miss making PB&Js and slicing apples. And, no matter how tired I get of reading JCT his favorite books over and over (you know, the ones that I memorized a year ago, but I am still reading daily), I know in my heart of hearts that I would miss reading them. And, when it really comes down to it. . . I love my life.
I love my life.
I love my boys. I love taking care of them. I love the sound of their laughter in the afternoon when we play outside. I love taking them along with me when I exercise. The jog stroller on hills, after all, makes me stronger than running or walking by myself. I love holding them when they get sick or hurt. I love that I know every freckle. I know every bump and scratch on their skin, and I know how it got there. And, every now and then when I ride alone in the car, it is just plain boring. . . too quiet. I miss them when we are apart for any length of time. They make me laugh. They make me better. As I am attempting to grow them in character and selflessness, God is using them to grow in me character and selflessness. Isn't that funny? The majority of my spiritual growth is not taking place in my "quiet times," during this stage of life. I am in a different school now. I am growing daily as I learn to serve and lay down my will and my desires for what is best for the little ones God has entrusted me with. Alot less thought, but alot more action.
I am in the Goldfish and Cheerio stage of motherhood, and I am embracing it. Is it trying? yes. Is it tiring? yes. Is it at times frustrating? oh, yes. Do I often feel like throwing in the towel? yes. Do I complain? yes, too much. But, is it worth it? Oh, my, YES! And, do I love it? YES!
My life is far from perfect, and it certainly isn't easy. But, it is wonderful. And, the best part is at night after my sons are snug in their beds. And, I am sitting in bed reading by the light of my little lamp. Beside me, I can hear the man I love more than anyone breathing sweet sleepy breaths. And, I pause for a minute, put my book down, and stare up at the ceiling thanking God for giving me this day, this life. Then, I turn off the lamp, and curl up under the covers - feeling completely spent and depleted. But, I am satisfied. I am needed, in a more vital way than ever before in my life. And, I know deep in my heart that today I have given my all, my best, all that I am to the ones that I love most. My exhaustion is quite possibly the most fulfilling thing that I have felt all day. Because today was an ordinary day, an everyday, kind of day. . . a day well spent. And, I wouldn't have it any other way.
January 2025- A lesson in hope
16 hours ago
This is quite possibly the best post I have read in a long, long time!!
You are so right. SO. SO. RIGHT.
If it's okay with you, I am going to link to this post on my blog.
So many people wish this stage to pass, because it can be so exhausting--but they miss out on the joy! It passes quickly--so glad to hear you are savoring it. You are a wise woman!
Oh, Erin. I love this post. You did such a great job of talking about the joys and exhaustion of being a mama. It's the hardest and best job in the world.
What a fabulously touching and heartwarming piece!!!
Can you hear me blubbering through my own exhaustion... and loving every minute of it with a new appreciation now?!
Thanks for such wonderfully powerful and encouraging words!
I loved this post so much! I know just what you mean. :)
Beautifully said. I love going through each stage of motherhood, not wanting this one to end yet anxiously awaiting the next. Savor each moment.
Beautiful post, Erin. I feel exactly the same way. Just last night, I was so tired and ready for my little ones to get into bed. After they had been there an hour, I was ready to go wake them up just so I could hug them. These times won't be with us for long. We must enjoy them.....For Such A Time As This.
Absolutely beautiful and powerful. It's interesting for me to think of the differences between you and me. I am in that first phase you speak about, and I realize more than ever that God has me here for a reason. But someday, Lord willing, He will bring to the place you're experiencing now... when my life is blessed with that kind of busyness, when I'm forced to let go of myself and live from minute to minute in the unpredictability that children bring. You have reminded me to savor the times I have now, but also to hope for what is to come... to remember how God is growing and refining me during THIS time in preparation for who I will be at THAT time. I feel like I'm rambling.... just thank you for this post.
I understand and I agree. I only have Little King (and one on the way) but I have not yet mastered those arts you mentioned. How many boys do you have? I don't remember. The one we are expecting is another boy. I am thrilled.
This is beautiful! It is exactly how I feel about life with little ones...We are so blessed and I don't want to miss the joy and the learning that I need in my life.
I have a double jogging stroller that I have to push up hills where I live, makes me tired,but the journey is wonderful!
You are correct!
Thanks for the encouraging words.
Praying for you and your new baby boy! When is the due date?
Erin - you always touch my heart with your wonderfully from-the-heart posts. It is so easy, in the time of life you're in now, to wish away these years - longing for the days when you can do whatever you want. As women we are so blessed because our lives has so many different seasons. I am in that season where the nest is empty and I do have the time to do all the things I love to do. The years my children were young have come and gone so quickly. It doesn't seem possible that they are all grown and my house so very quiet. I miss the little voices and so many things about those years - but now I get to hear the voices of my children's children. And this too is a very special season of my life. God is so very good.
Oh Erin - I love this! The cheerio stage is the best stage. We still get our hugs, to sing lullabies and the smell of baby lotion. Anddddddd.... they can do some on their own, but not too much. Have you listened to the song by shedaisy-god bless the american housewife?
I really do believe this is about the best post I have ever read. You have captured SO PERFECTLY the very thoughts of my own heart. This is so beautiful! I am really struggling right now with the impendng emptiness of my home during school hours next year when they will all three be in school. I am desperately trying to remember what I wanted to do with all the ME time and now I can't. Now, I just want everybody here at home together forever, even with the bickering and the slop on the walls!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You read my heart! I often feel like I am on a roller coaster---fighting my flesh screaming for its "freedom" and savoring every second knowing the day of "goodbye" will come all too soon. It is SO WORTH IT!!!
What a beautiful post!!! You have touched my heart with this one. And you are so very right!!!
I couldn't find an email for you. In response to your comment on my blog: I have my 18 mo old boy, and my 2nd little boy is due July 12th.
What an excellent reminder. On days like these I remind myself (sometimes more than once!) that even if the ONLY thing I accomplished was BEING MOMMY it is better than just OK.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Thank you for this.
Well said! Our precious, priceless children. :) My Nathan (2) yesterday needed to kiss both sides of my cheeks(he does this often; melts me.)& then wanted to kiss my hand on the top side, then the bottom side, then the other hand, bottom side too. Then he thought of my arm... well, I do think, he was dragging out his naptime... :) Yet, he is so thoughtful really in giving hugs & kisses often. Sorry I haven't commented by email in awhile; I have been enjoying your blog ever since you started! And now in addition to my homeschoolblogger blog, I've recently started a personal blog on blogspot, so I can comment on here now. :) Btw, I love the artwork from your last entry! :)
What a great post! What a great attitude you have! And how it touched my today, my youngest, a 15 year old boy, just passed his permit test and is now at the threshold of real....independence. This is the little boy that I waited for --for ten years.....and how is it that he is now driving! Trust me, my new blogging friend, he no longer waits at the bathroom door waiting for me to come out~! Cherish the I cherish the memories.
oh erin, i have read your blog several times, but this one hit me. i am in the same stage, and i love it! thanks for reminding to go love on my munchkins.
As I read this post, I felt like you were talking about my life right now! You nailed my thoughts and feelings to a T. I couldn't be more happy with having two little ones and experiencing life with them on a daily basis!
I found your blog through a friend and will have to come back for more!
Amen sista--preach it! Right now it's 12:19 a.m. and I am savoring the moments to myself--but am ready to go curl into my sleeping baby and husband and love them--Just like you!
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