Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Scattered Thoughts

What a day! I say it everyday at the end of the day. "Whew! What a day!" I am completely spent. The physical labor of raising children amazes me at times. It is so exhaustingly physical. The bending, lifting, stretching, catching, and chasing is a workout in and of itself.

My day consisted of a 2 mile walk pushing a double jog stroller, approximately 4 hours of outside play with the boys, and an hour long Super Wal-Mart excursion. Erik didn't get home until 8 pm, so I did the evening routine (dinner, bath, and bedtime) by myself. And, now I am tired, moody and tired.

I am moody right now. I'd like to blame it on pregnancy, but I'm not sure that is entirely fair. I think a lot of it is simply my attitude. I must admit when I sat down to write this I was ready to unload all my negativity, but then I put on my favorite CD - Sing over Me. And, my favorite song is on right now - You are Good. And, how I ask, how can I complain when I am being reminded of God's goodness? He is good, and so is life. Did I mention that I am moody? I always tell Erik that sometimes the fact that I am moody is a good thing because I can go from a bad mood to a good mood quickly. Now it works the other way, too which isn't such a good thing. But, usually when I am in a foul mood all Erik has to do is make me laugh, and for the most part, my bad mood is over. And, I am thankful for that.

A thought or two from my day:

Joshua announced on our walk this morning (after I told him that tomorrow was Rain's birthday), "Tomorrow is when it is nightime again and then daytime again. That is tomorrow." And, I thought that was a very smart way of putting it.

Joshua has given me a friend to ride beside in the van. Larry, decked out in an ensemble put together by none other than my sweet son, is sitting in the passenger seat of my van - seat belted in and all.

JCT sang over and over again today the theme song from the new Veggie-tales movie. "Da Lone Stranger. . . Your mask hides your face, who you are we can't say. . . Da Lone Stranger. . ."

Elijah did some kind of crazy tumbling move inside of me while I was doing dishes tonight. I mean I really thought he might stick an extremity through my skin. He is all boy. I can tell that already.

And, to make the day perfectly complete, my husband just asked me to check his back for spiders. He has a serious spider phobia. He always thinks a spider is crawling on him. It cracks me up.

So, all in all, it was a good day, an exhausting but good day. And, I am thankful for it.


Kim said...

Sounds like a good day for you! Although the mood swings come and go...your joy and love of life stays! I know it is hard taking care of little ones while being pregnant...just be encouraged and know that our Lord is providing everything you need for today and tomorrow!

My youngest is turning 2 tomorrow. Our sweet baby boy is growing up. I'm sentimentally sad, but I do look forward to his future,knowing it is God's hands. The anticipation of a new baby boy to raise is exciting and I know you are looking forward to the day you get to see him face to face!.

Thanks for all your wonderful *boy* stories. You are an amazing mother--your boys are blessed!

With much love,

Big Mama said...

You are my hero for keeping up with those boys while carrying another one inside you. That is a feat of strength, my friend.

I hope you get some much needed rest.

Sarah said...

I like to think I'm not moody, but who am I kidding? I even drive MYSELF crazy sometimes!

I'm praying for you, sweet one. A physical day with two little boys by yourself and being mid-third trimester sounds like the ingredients for a little moodiness!! And tomorrow, if it's not better, just call me. :)

Love you to pieces!!

Kelly said...

Whew! I am exhausted reading about your day!

Erin, I love your devotion to your boys and passion for motherhood! Be encouraged and strengthened by His love and purpose for you!

Sara said...

Love, love, love "You are Good". My favorite song the past month. In fact, I am using a quote from it on my design. Anyway, love you. I think you are the BEST mom. You amaze me!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize the physical part of raising children either, until now when I am pregnant with my second and taking care of my first...who by the way is a heavy toddler. At 18 months he tips the scales at approx 32 pounds.

I loose my breath every single time I have to pick him up!

AJ said...

Sing over me is my favorite CD in the whole world....if I were stuck on an island, I'd pick that one to keep me sane.

Deidre said...

I think you're entitled to a little moodiness. Based on both of my pregnancies, if I was chasing 2 little boys all day, while pregnant with another, my moodiness would shake this family to it's core. :)

I pray you get some rest!! Whew, I'm tired from reading your post :)

Linda said...

And that I guess is what life is all about! There is the joy and the down times, the tiredness and the sheer work, and the delight of little faces and voices. And overall a Father who loves us and is so very good.

My photo
Hi! I live in a sweet country home overflowing with love and laughter. I have been blessed to journey these days beside a man that I love, respect, and admire. He is my soul-mate and best friend. Together we are seeking to raise our seven children to be lovers of God, to be wise and discerning, and to be all that our sweet God created them to be.


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