When my mom and I first saw this picture, we laughed and decided that it should be labeled, "And, reality sets in." The reality that I am the mother of 3 boys! The reality that my house will be filled with cowboys running wild! No doubt, my journey will be one filled to the brim with constant motion, curiosity, noise, and general chaos. But, fear not, I am 100% on board and excited about the road ahead! Little cowboys, take me away!!!!!
This was my first week alone with the boys. My mom stayed with me the week Elijah was born, Erik the week after, and his mother the week after that. And, though some (a.k.a. Joshua) doubted me, we have made it quite well. One day last week while Erik's mother was with us, I was tucking Joshua in bed, and he asked, "Mommy, how will you do it?" Confused, I asked, "What do you mean?" To which he answered, "What will you do when Grandma leaves? How will you do it all?" Beginning to feel a little insecure, I asked, "How will I do what all? What do you mean?" He answered, "Like washing the dryer and all that. How will you do it all?" I reminded him that I had a very special helper boy that would help me, and I assured him that we would make it just fine.
And, so we have. I have even "washed the dryer" - 8+ loads of laundry have been done this week alone! I have come to the realization that even my 2 year old can be a great little helper! And, they both love to be helpers, so I have allowed them the privilege. Who knows how long it will last, but I am enjoying the aid!
I tend to over do it the month or so before a baby comes. I work so hard to get our entire life in order so that when the baby comes I can simply rest and focus on our family alone. And, even though I drive myself and my husband crazy in the last months of each pregnancy, the reward is sweet. When the baby comes, a peace comes over our home, and I am feeling that peace right now. Like a soft sweet breath of fresh air blowing through the house, the baby brings in a time of tranquility. We lay low for 2 months after having a baby. Erik doesn't let me take the baby to public places, etc., so we are virtually homebound for 8 weeks. And, though that sounds boring to most, to someone who has been running nonstop for the past 10 months, it is heaven on earth.
And, since I have had some time to be still and listen, I have heard God whispering sweetness to my heart. And, there is nothing more wonderful than that! I have finally slowed down enough to see that in my busyness, I was missing so much. . .
I'm not sure whether it is because Elijah looks so much like Joshua or what it is, but I have been awestruck by how big Joshua is getting. It is as if I have completely missed the last 4 years. Where did they go? Just yesterday I was holding his little newborn body, and now he is 4 years old, long and lean and growing like a weed. There is nothing baby about him. He is all little boy now. Erik and I are praying about whether or not to homeschool our boys. If we do send them to school, then I only have one more year at home with my Joshua. One more year, to be with him during all those wonderful morning and afternoon hours. One more year, to make him PB&J's and to sit down and enjoy them with him. One more year to spend the afternoons blowing bubbles, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and reading books to him before naptime. Where, oh, where has the time gone?
So, slowing down has reminded me that I need to live each moment to fullest with my children because these moments will soon be memories. Just like all the older ladies at the grocery store stop and tell me when I am about to pull my hair out because my boys are being disobedient and hyper, and I just want to. be. done. shopping. . . "Enjoy these days, they don't last forever. . . They'll grow up before you know it. . . Enjoy them while you have them. . . You'll just turn around one day and they'll be all grown up. . . Enjoy them. . ." They are growing fast. . . And, the last thing I want to do is miss it, or should I say to miss enjoying it.
So, in this, my first week flying solo with 3 little ones, I have been challenged once again to "stop and smell the roses." For years, I have said with all confidence, "I can have a clean house later, I want to focus on my children now." But, just as soon as I said it, I would bury myself again in organizing, cleaning, and list making. Because I am type A, it is so incredibly hard for me to let go and play when there are clothes sitting in the dryer getting all wrinkly or when there are dishes sitting in the sink waiting to be washed. Not only that, but I tend to find myself sitting in one of our Adirondack chairs by the swing set making to do lists (one of my favorite past-times), instead of joining my sons in their games. And, I, also, tend to put a movie on in the car so that I can call my friends and talk while we run errands. You know it is bad when you hear your two year old say, "Get dat phone off yo ear, Mama." Conviction.
It is an honor and a privilege to be able to stay at home with my children, but if I am constantly trying to engage them in activities so that I can do what I want to do. . . What is the point of that? Now, I am not saying that I should drop everything and play with my children all day. That would not be right at all. There would be no dinner, no clean clothes, and scary things would be growing in our toilets and showers. And, to be quite honest, right or wrong, I am a better mother, wife, friend, and person when there is less clutter on my counters. That is just a fact. If there is a phobia of clutter, I have it. So, I guess what I am saying is that slowing down has made me realize the value of these days. It has made me realize that the balance between doing what I want to do and playing with my children has been off in my life. The scales were tipping toward my own selfishness, and I had not realized it. I have been a different mama this week, and I pray that this new mama remains.
Now, my house is cluttered. And, no doubt, there is little boy tinkle around the rim of the toilet seats that needs to be Clorox wiped (a daily chore for a mama with little boys). But, I am satisfied. I am satisfied with this week. It was truly a week well spent.
*Sigh* I can so relate to this post. I often try to multi-task while spending "quality" time with the little ones. There have been a couple of times when Devyn will take my cell phone out of my hand, shut it, and ask to play. Ouch! Conviction is hard to take sometimes.
I keep reminding myself that I do need to enjoy every moment; even the times when I want to join in the screaming and crying. I even play when I don't want to because someday, I will be the last person Devyn will want to play with. My heart hurts just thinking about it.
I'm glad to hear that you're first week alone went well. I'm thinking of you...
Jen at Lots of Scotts posted about the Lord doing a major work in her life, and somebody left a comment that it seems to be a common theme lately. I can definitely testify it in my own life!! I'm praying for you, sweet friend, as you adjust to life with three, and as you seek to enjoy it, not just get through it--a lesson I am constantly trying to learn!! Love you :)
Sorry I just can not get over how stinkin cute you look after giving birth. From one Mother of three boys, to the next....THE TOUGHEST JOB YOU WILL EVER LOVE. They will stretch you beyond what you think you can be stretched, they will melt you fast then anything you have ever experienced.
And pride...oh that is out the widow. Public embarrassment is a given. And feeling out numbered as they grow and begin to "tell secrets" is for sure.
But when I see an other woman that I know who has three grown men, sit in front of me at church with all of them lined up, I could not feel more proud. Knowing one day I will be that mother...
Love the picture.
I'm going to comment on two posts in one here Erin. I loved the hide and seek one. Been there... It's amazing the scenes that can flash through your mind in just a few brief seconds. I love the ending. He is so cute.
I've said before how much wisdom I think you have, and I really mean it. To see so clearly now what a future of not having your life in balance is sheer wisdom. Enjoy these little guys. I'm so glad they're willing to help you. It can be fun doing things together. And their future wives will call you blessed.
Reality does not take long to set in....
Clorox wipes sit beside ever toilette in my house. Wipe when necessary. One potty trained 36 years ago, one potty trained 1 year ago and one trying leads to a lot of spiddle around the rim. If you are a woman - always use caution, especially if the lights are off (lids more than likely up).
I was a first child. Thus, strive for perfection. I just wish I was a little more adjusted like my second child. I just can't do it. I try not to loose sight, but moms need time too. Hang in there. You are so right and you are more than likely a little sleep deprived also. You are going to have a great time with those boys.
The adjustment phase is short and before you know it you will be a well oiled machine.
I just love your blog and wanted to introduce myself! I've been reading for some time, but wanted to drop a note. Two of my three children are boys as well and I just marvel at all their energy, boyishness and love ~ all mixed up together. I am glad your first week alone went well. Enjoy your days ~ they do go so fast. Have a wonderful weekend :)
Thank you for the reminder to enjoy these times, Erin. I just had my third baby (oldest, girl - 6, middle, boy - 4 and baby boy, 2 months) and it is such a precious time right now savoring the babyness of him. It is true - they do grow up sooo fast. And I've already been running like crazy, silently trying to prove that I can "do it all." I so enjoy your writing...I look forward to hearing all sorts of fun stories about your #3!
Thanks for posting this, Erin. God is doing a work (albeit difficult one) in my heart right now. I'm trying to discern what is best for our family now that E. is 5 and wanting to get involved in things. I already miss the alone time we had together. School consumes a lot of time and she only goes 1/2 day. I just need to sit at his feet and listen.....
I love that picture. Your family is so precious. I know you'll do wonderful with three boys and enjoy how to balance all that comes with it.
Very beautifully said, Erin!
Time does fly by and how we spend our days does matter. It reminds me of the verses that says we should number our days...to make things count for Christ. That is the only thing that will last---what is done for eternity. I want to live each day to the fullest as well. You have encouraged me today and I will pray for you as you mother these precious baby boys. I love what Laurel Wreath said about having all grown up men one day...that gives me chill bumps...the desire of this mother's heart is to raise my children for the glory of God...to be proactive in teaching, training, and loving their hearts. It takes lots of time and some days are busy and overwhelming, but at the end of the day, I will thank God for what He has done.
Thanks for this post!
Oh, girl, could we talk! You have verbalized so perfectly the exact feelings of my heart at that time (the birth of my 3rd). It's great that you have the wisdom already to know that this is a struggle for your personality. (We sound cut from the same cloth.) That's a good thing, as I did not, and God had to take me to a SCARY place to get my attention. (Life COMPLETELY disorganized beyond my control - seriously, COMPLETELY.) Did I mention COMPLETELY out of my own control? Ha ha. But my third goes to school next year (we tried homeschooling, too) and now that I will have all day to organize everything that's all out of order from several years of putting things off to play with my kids, I'm still much more sad about them leaving than excited for getting organized. I suspect the next couple of years will be bringing my pendulum to the midline on this issue, but yes, I would now live with a sink PERPETUALLY full of dishes just to have some more time with them while they're little. :)
Erin- You know how you have remarked before that my posts are sometimes very similar to what your own heart is saying. I had this exact thought while reading your post...every single bit of it resonated with me. Well put.
Glad the week went well.
Isn't it great how God blesses us with perspective, right when we nee dit most?
Beautifully said, Erin. And so, so true.
Thanks for the timely reminder.
Isn't God good to give us so much excitement that we could write a daily story on our boys alone???
Love reading... ali
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