Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Wonderfully Precious Daddy. . .

What makes you a wonderful Daddy?

Is it the way you teach our boys about hard work by giving 100% to your job while you are at work?
Or, is it the way you teach them about priorities by giving 100% to them when you get home.

Is it the way you discipline them with strength and authority when they are out of line?
Or, is it the way you extend love and grace to them when they have thoroughly made a mess of things?

Is it the way you play rough and tumble, tackling and wrestling them to the ground with giggles and screams all the while?
Or, is it the way you hold them close and softly whisper, "Daddy loves you. . . Daddy loves you. . . Daddy loves you. . ." over and over again in their little ears.

Is it the way you teach them to look inward, to know who God created them to be and to believe firmly in themselves, holding their heads high with confidence?
Or, is it the way you teach them to look outward, to be observant and aware of the needs of others around them, and to meet those needs without being asked.

Is is the way you teach them to reach high for goals, to stretch themselves, to do things that they think they cannot do, letting nothing get in the way of the dreams God has placed in their little hearts.
Or, is it the way you teach them to reach down with love and respect to help even the least of these.

Is it the way you teach them to focus, surrender, and endure, to look unwaveringly in the direction God has called them.
Or is it the way you teach them to not get so caught up in the big picture of life's journey that they miss the simple, sweet details of everyday life all along the way?

Is it the way you teach them to selflessly love their future wives by treating me with grace, gentleness, and unconditional love?
Or, is it the way you teach them to respect their elders by treating your mother with tenderness and your father with great respect?

Is it the way that you carry yourself with character, integrity, and amazing self-control through the way that you live your everyday life?
Or, is it the way that you humble yourself, admit your mistakes, and ask for forgiveness when you have missed the mark?

Is it the way you read them Old Testament Bible stories emphasizing the Holiness and Amazingness of our God?
Or, maybe it is the way you read them New Testament Bible stories emphasizing with soft eyes how relational and loving our sweet God is?

Whatever it is, you are a wonderfully precious Daddy! And, I am so thankful to be journeying this pathway of life with you by my side. Watching you love our children has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

Happy Father's Day, Baby!
Proverbs 20:7


Jenny said...

This is a very sweet tribute to your husband, who is obviously a very wonderful daddy!

Sunshine said...

WOW - what a great post! Happy Father's Day! Sunshine

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Hi! I live in a sweet country home overflowing with love and laughter. I have been blessed to journey these days beside a man that I love, respect, and admire. He is my soul-mate and best friend. Together we are seeking to raise our seven children to be lovers of God, to be wise and discerning, and to be all that our sweet God created them to be.


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