And, so here I sit on a peaceful, easy Sunday morning, a half full cup of warm coffee at my side. Erik took Joshua, JCT, and Elijah to church, and I am at home with little bit. The house is calm. The baby is sleeping. Soft music is playing. I just finished my preps for this week's Moms in Touch meeting. I have about 45 minutes before the big boys return, and I have nothing that has to be done. Well, technically, I have a load of laundry waiting to be washed in the washer and a kitchen that could be straightened and a floor that is filthy and. . .
But, for now I am choosing to be still. In this stage of life, time to be still is often hard to come by. . .
I have been thinking a lot lately (surprise!). Erik and I had the privilege, thanks to some sweet friends, to see the movie Fireproof yesterday. And, I left the movie in deep thought. I was overwhelmed. It was a truly beautiful movie.
Lately I have been thinking about something that I think about a lot.
I am selfish.
There, I said it.
And, I am married to the most selfless man alive, and since our wedding day that is the single area that he has challenged me in the most. He has challenges me by example alone. He never preaches. His actions are enough. And, it is fairly easy to be selfless when the person you are laying down your wants for is doing the same for you. But, it is another story completely when you are sacrificing your desires for little people who don't yet grasp the concept of selflessness.
I do for others, but deep down I want to meet my own needs first. Take for instance the mornings. I want to get up early enough to meet all my needs before I have to start meeting everyone else's needs. I want to get up in time to sit still and enjoy a cup of hot coffee, to take a nice long shower, to get dressed and make-up on before I have to make Joshua's lunch and get everyone ready for school/preschool.
Enter fourth child.
Now I am clinging desperately to every ounce of sleep that I can get. I rarely rise before 6:30. Some mornings I get a shower, often I don't. By the time I get to my cup of coffee it is cold, and I end up warming it up over and over and eventually the mug is forgotten in the microwave until the next morning when I go to put another cup of cold coffee in the microwave for warming.
It is the typical life of a mother, I guess. But, for me it was predestined. God knew that I needed to be broken, to be forced to learn to lay down my desires for the little ones that He placed in my womb. They have stretched me, challenged me, and taught me more than anyone thus far on my life's journey. And, I pray that on the other end of all this, that I will be different, chiseled, sharpened, selfless.
Maybe it is because selfless love is on the brain, but it seemed to me that sacrificial love was the theme of the movie Fireproof. God's sacrificial love that loves unconditionally even when we reject it over and over, it is still there. And, Caleb's learning to love Catherine selflessly.
I walked away from the movie, once again, challenged to give myself away to my God, my husband, my children, and my world. And, it isn't just the challenge to be selfless because I, alone, can do that ~ at least until I run out of steam. But, it is the challenge to love selflessly, because that is supernaturally inspired, and I alone cannot do that. I need the selfless love of Jesus overflowing out of my heart to love like that. Fill me, Lord. Because so many times, I lay down my desires over and over and end up feeling empty, martyred, and that doesn't feel pure, right, or selfless. That is me in my own strength attempting sacrificial love, and it simply does. not. work.
So, I am asking my sweet God, to fill me with His love, fill me to overflowing. Help me to die daily to those around me. Help me to be more concerned about meeting their needs and less concerned about meeting my own. Why do, I doubt? Why do I feel that if I don't meet my needs no one will look out for me, and my needs will go unmet. You are El Shaddai the all sufficient God, and You alone will meet my needs. I know in my head that if I concern myself with loving others and putting their needs first that You will take care of mine. May my heart believe it fully, too. I need not worry. You see me. You know my needs. You know the ones that are selfish and need not be met, and You know the needs that are necessary. I am safe in Your care. I lay my desires before You, and I pray that You will help this selfish little heart give itself away for Your glory, and never my own.
January 2025- A lesson in hope
9 hours ago
Beautiful post...and so true. We need the Lord's strength and His spirit to love selflessly. And we need to rely on the sufficiency of His grace daily.
I noticed that you mentioned Moms In Touch. I, too, am a MITI Mom...and so grateful to be part of this wonderful ministry. The peace from carrying my burdens with other moms to the Lord in prayer and weekly standing in the gap for our children together has brought such comfort to me as I have watched my children go through the ups and downs of the public school journey. (I have two boys in is a Freshman and one a second-grader.)
Thank you for sharing your heart.
In His Grace,
"By the time I get to my cup of coffee it is cold, and I end up warming it up over and over and eventually the mug is forgotten in the microwave until the next morning when I go to put another cup of cold coffee in the microwave for warming."
Um. I thought I was the only one who did this ;)
I love this post Erin. There are mornings when I hear my crew coming down the stairs and I haven't finished my "my time" just yet. Rather than embrace my day and these blessings, I feel heart growing with selfishness and aggravation.
"God knew that I needed to be broken, to be forced to learn to lay down my desires for the little ones that He placed in my womb."
Yes. It really is a daily death. I am grateful...more than grateful that God is using my children to teach me holiness. Thank you for pointing straight to Him. What a great way to start the week!
*Don't forget...these early days are full of inconsistency. It's easy to be hard on yourself in the wrong areas. Sleep just might be a requirement sometimes ;)
Eric and I saw the movie on Saturday night and thought it was wonderful. I want to see it again.
I, too am married to a completely selfless man who shows it by example. I believe I am the complete opposite and al though I don't say the words, I know my actions sometimes scream, "Look at me and NOTICE what I am doing!" Ugh - I hate that attitude. I can only beg God to fill me up so I can love my family without looking for an immediate payoff.
Thanks for the post, Erin. Beautiful!
Your posts are so well written and easy to relate to. The Lord has also been teaching me about selflishness and I am not very good at it. Ever since having my 3rd child a year ago, I have had to struggle. I am reminded so often that I desire my pleasure above God's glory. Isn't that really what it comes down too...I am just the greater priority most of the time. Oh, Lord I wish this wasn't true.
I love that you are doing MIT. I was wondering since having another baby if that would have to be put on hold for you. I started a group this fall and it has truly proven to be the most Spirit lead thing that I have EVER been a part of. It is a highlight of my week.
I have followed your blog for quite some time. There is something incredibly peaceful about your posts.
Thank you for this's something I definitely struggle with as a mom.
What a precious family you have!
I love reading your blog. Let me back up and say congratulations to you and your family. Erik is beautiful.
I also struggle with selfishness. Children has a funny way of making not about self. It is a daily die to self for me.
PS I also reheat coffee ALL day. Maybe that is a mommy thing?? Maybe, that is a good thing. Then we are not being self serving-but serving our children???
Anyway, great post.
I love reading your blog. Let me back up and say congratulations to you and your family. Erik is beautiful.
I also struggle with selfishness. Children has a funny way of making not about self. It is a daily die to self for me.
PS I also reheat coffee ALL day. Maybe that is a mommy thing?? Maybe, that is a good thing. Then we are not being self serving-but serving our children???
Anyway, great post.
This spoke to my heart so clearly. I too find myself being really selfish and desiring me time and my way. When I get up in the morning and make my to do list I think God must just laugh.
Trying hard to keep my eyes focused on the eternal and the lasting;not the fleeting and temporary.
Great Reminder.
Hope your mom's group is wonderful this week.
just found your sweet blog. beautiful post. thanks for writing!
Hi, just found your blog yesterday, it caught my eye because I'm also a mom to 4 boys. My youngest is 3 months and yes I can use God's help to be more selfless. Lately I just want to have MY time and I think I deserve it because I have a baby and I'm not sleeping through the night and etc... Sigh. Thanks for sharing.
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