Anyway, after the one thousandth time they asked me for something "fun" to do, I decided that we would make the little bird feeders.
They loved rolling the pine cones in peanut butter and birdseed. The only problem was trying to keep JCT from eating the the peanut butter after the pine cones had been rolled in it! Yuck!!
Then, we took the pine cones outside and hung them on a few small trees near the window in our kitchen. This way they will be able to watch the birds enjoy their little kind gestures!
After dinner, I made cupcakes for the boys. Partly, I made them because Erik asked me to make them, and partly I made them because I wanted to hear Elijah say "Cuck-cake!" and get all excited over them! "Cuck-cakes" are his favorite food!!!
Here is a little video I made of him when I showed him what was cooking in the oven. . .
After we enjoyed the "cuck-cakes," Erik took the boys up and gave them a bath. Then, he put Elijah to bed, and I started a movie for the big boys ~ The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything.
If you can imagine me sitting beside JCT, then, this is what we looked like as we watched the movie! I love watching movies with the big boys after Elijah has gone on to bed. They are old enough to sit still and enjoy a good movie. It is something special just for them. They get to stay up late and eat popcorn. And, to little boys this is very exciting and wonderful ~ and for mama's who enjoy spending time with little boys it is exciting and wonderful, too!
After we put the boys to bed, Erik and I watched Juno. It made me cry, and it made me think. In fact, I lay awake quite a bit last night thinking about it.
What a day! This is why I think everyday should be a Saturday!!!
1 comment:
So sweet! Such a lovely family.
I have been reading your blog since you started it and I have truly enjoyed peeking in as your family has grown. I just gave birth to my first about 2 weeks ago (a boy!) and I am wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a new, sleep-deprived mommy a favor.
Could you possibly do a post sometime about how you taught your children to sleep on their own? Do you have any veteran mommy wisdom to share regarding sleep? I figure that with 4 kids you must have this sleeping thing down-pat!
Thank you. I adore your blog! :-)
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