As I sat cuddled on the couch with the boys reading, I noticed the first snowflakes fall. I smiled, paused the story, and gave the snow it's appropriate welcome. Then, I continued reading, looking up from time to time to see the beauty unfold before us just outside our window. Later as I listened to JCT read, my mind was elsewhere. I was watching the snowflakes fall, and thinking. . .
I've learned so much this year, and I've mentioned this recently, about slowing down. But, there is something else that goes along with this lesson. I am always in such a hurry. I always want what I want and I want it yesterday. I want God to change my ugly sinful heart into a beautiful, fruit-filled garden overflowing. And, He doesn't seem to do it fast enough. I pray. I read. I memorize scripture to fight spiritual warfare within my heart. I hope and try and fight and nothing seems to change. . . nothing much.
And, God whispered that sometimes this is how He works. . . bit by bit, snowflake by tiny little snowflake. The changes don't always come instantly. It takes time, but be patient, over time His work is completed wholly, perfectly, beautifully. Just as teaching a little one to read or do math, as I have learned this year. It doesn't help to hurry them or push them ~ slow and easy does it. Bit by bit, day by day, they grow and learn and then you look back at the end of a semester and go, "Wow! Look how far we've come!" When I explain a big, broad math concept to Joshua, I don't expect him to get it completely on day one. We work at it, chip away at it, build on it, and then, boom, he understands it completely and with the depth he needs to be successful in the years to come. But, it doesn't always come overnight. If you've ever taught a child to read, you understand this. One day they sound out words, then slowly over time, somehow, amazingly they read words they've never seen without hesitation. And, you stare at them in wonder??? Bit by by, easy does it. . .
As I walked Rain, I noticed leaves covered in snow scattered in the yard and on the road. And, I wondered to myself how many individual snowflakes it might take to cover just one little leaf? And, so I thought, maybe, I am not as hopeless as Satan would like me to believe. Maybe even if I don't see the changes as rapidly as I'd like, maybe, my sweet Father is at work in me chip, chip, chipping away making me new, fruit-filled, and beautiful. . .
But, it doesn't happen instantly.
It takes time, sweet, precious, time. . .
So, I am learning to slow down, relax, and not push so hard, but rather to trust and rest in Him and in His perfect timing. And, as I have typed this my backyard has gone from nearly solid white with only the tips of grass showing to deep, smooth, soft, solid white everywhere I look.
And, it all happened ~ slowly, quietly, and peacefully. . .
Let it be with me, as well. . .
Let me rest in His amazing love, bask in His sweet grace, and trust in His unrelenting faithfulness to complete His work in me. . .
Bit by tiny little bit.
This was beautiful! Thank you for sharing your heart. I love your blog - it is such an inspiration.
Sweet Erin, this is probably my favorite post ever! I could sit and read your writings anytime. But this one touched me to the very core of my being, because of some things I have been going thru personally. I needed to hear this. Yours and Erick's relationships with the Lord have been a blessing to us. Thanks so much for sharing! Love you!
What a wonderful way to picture God's working in our lives! I certainly needed to hear (read) this.
Beautifully written!
I think you would love the Book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, have you seen it? It has spoken soo much to me this week... thought you might enjoy it, too!
This is beautifully written. You really should consider submitting it somewhere so that others could read it--such a word picture of God's work in our lives.
I love the arms wide open, mouth ready to catch the snowflake stance. It's really a picture of total submission.
How I want to tackle life in this position.
My kids love to "catch" snow on their tongues.
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